In February, SPERI's Research & Impact Associate Dr Remi Edwards presented findings from her PhD research to industry stakeholders at Berlin's Fruit Logistica trade fair.
The fair brings together thousands of representatives from the global fresh produce industry. UK-based NGO Banana Link organised a panel to bring together stakeholders from businesses, civil society and governments to engage in social dialogue around sustainability challenges in the banana industry.
Remi shared findings from her PhD research that found that ethical certification initiatives - such as Rainforest Alliance - that claim to promote decent basic working conditions do not afford workers adequate opportunities to report abuse and exploitation. Despite widespread certification of banana plantation in Costa Rica, violations to basic labour standards were widespread and workers reported deteriorating working conditions and wages over time. She offered a number of recommendations to industry, states and civil society on ensuring more effective labour governance in banana supply chains through worker-driven monitoring, legally-enforceable agreements and fair pricing.
The presentation generated a number of follow-up conversations with key stakeholders.
The accompanying policy brief can be found here in English and here in Spanish.