Russian Translation Competition 2024

We are delighted to announce the 2024 University of 91直播 Russian Translation Competition for Year 12 and Year 13 students!

Drawing by Il鈥檡a Yashin.
Drawing by Il鈥檡a Yashin.

91直播 the competition

Students of Russian in Years 12 and 13 in the UK are invited to submit their translation into English of the original short Russian text below.

91直播 the Text

The text below is extracted from Il'ya Yashin, Soprotivlenie polezno (Izhevsk, Freedom Letters, 2023). Yashin (b. 1983) is a prominent opposition politician in Russia. A long-time associate of Boris Nemtsov and Aleksei Naval'nyi, he was a member of liberal-democratic political parties (Yabloko, then PARNAS) from the collapse of the Soviet Union to 2016 and has been arrested several times for participating in demonstrations against human rights violations by the Russian government. In December 2022 Yashin was sentenced to 8陆 years in prison for his views on the killing of Ukrainian civilians in Bucha. He was deported from Russia in the prisoner exchange of August 2024. He regards his expulsion from Russia as illegal. Soprotivlenie polezno is a collection of writings about 鈥榩olitics in a country where there鈥檚 no politics left鈥. In this extract he recounts his experiences of imprisonment. You can read his blog (in Russian)

Text to Translate

13 褎械胁褉邪谢褟 2023


袛芯谢谐芯胁褟蟹褘泄 锌邪褉械薪褜, 褖褍褉褟褋褜 胁 褌械屑薪芯褌械, 蟹邪谐谢褟写褘胁邪械褌 屑薪械 胁 谢懈褑芯.

鈥 小谢褍褕邪泄, 邪 褌褘 胁械写褜 褝褌芯褌鈥 薪褍 泻邪泻鈥 袥械胁 携褕懈薪!

鈥 袩芯褔褌懈 褍谐邪写邪谢.

鈥 孝芯褔薪芯! 携 卸械 褌械斜褟 蟹邪写械褉卸懈胁邪谢!

鈥 ???

袘褘胁褕懈泄 褋械褉卸邪薪褌 锌芯谢懈褑懈懈 斜芯写褉芯 褉邪褋褋泻邪蟹邪谢, 泻邪泻 褍褔邪褋褌胁芯胁邪谢 胁 褉邪蟹谐芯薪械 肖芯褉褍屑邪 薪械蟹邪胁懈褋懈屑褘褏 写械锌褍褌邪褌芯胁 胁 屑邪褉褌械 2021 谐芯写邪. 袦褘 褋芯斜褉邪谢懈褋褜 褌芯谐写邪 胁 泻芯屑锌谢械泻褋械 芦袠蟹屑邪泄谢芯胁芯禄, 薪芯 锌芯褔褌懈 褋褉邪蟹褍 蟹邪谢 芯褑械锌懈谢懈 褋懈谢芯胁懈泻懈, 懈 斜芯谢褜褕械 褋芯褌薪懈 写械锌褍褌邪褌芯胁 褋芯 胁褋械泄 袪芯褋褋懈懈 斜褘谢芯 邪褉械褋褌芯胁邪薪芯.

鈥 袩芯屑薪懈褕褜, 褌械斜褟 胁 邪胁褌芯斜褍褋 谐褉褍蟹懈谢懈? 袙芯褌 褟 泻邪泻 褉邪蟹 懈 锌褉懈薪懈屑邪谢!

袪邪写褍械褌褋褟 褌邪泻, 斜褍写褌芯 胁褋褌褉械褌懈谢 褋褌邪褉芯谐芯 写褉褍谐邪. 袙锌褉芯褔械屑, 褌械锌械褉褜 屑褘 锌芯 芯写薪褍 褋褌芯褉芯薪褍 褉械褕械褌泻懈. 袩褉芯褕谢芯泄 胁械褋薪芯泄 褋械褉卸邪薪褌 胁褘锌懈谢, 锌褉芯褋泻芯褔懈谢 薪邪 泻褉邪褋薪褘泄, 懈 锌芯褋谢械 褋褌芯谢泻薪芯胁械薪懈褟 褋 锌褉芯械蟹卸邪胁褕械泄 锌芯 褕芯褋褋械 屑邪褕懈薪芯泄 械谐芯 芦袦械褉褋械写械褋禄 胁谢械褌械谢 胁 褋褌械薪褍 写芯屑邪. 袙芯写懈褌械谢褜 斜褘谢 锌褉懈褋褌械谐薪褍褌 懈 芯褌写械谢邪谢褋褟 褋芯褌褉褟褋械薪懈械屑. 袗 胁芯褌 锌邪褋褋邪卸懈褉 褉械屑薪械屑 斜械蟹芯锌邪褋薪芯褋褌懈 锌褉械薪械斜褉械谐, 胁褘谢械褌械谢 褔械褉械蟹 谢芯斜芯胁芯械 懈 锌芯谐懈斜 薪邪 屑械褋褌械. 小械褉卸邪薪褌 锌芯谢褍褔懈谢 6 谢械褌 泻芯谢芯薪懈懈.


袙 褋褌芯谢褘锌懈薪褋泻芯屑 胁邪谐芯薪械 薪邪锌褉芯褌懈胁 屑械薪褟 褋懈写懈褌 褋褌邪褉懈泻. 小泻褉褞褔懈谢褋褟, 写褘屑懈褌 锌邪锌懈褉芯褋泻芯泄. 袟邪屑械褔邪褞 薪邪 锌邪谢褜褑邪褏 褉邪褋锌谢褘胁褕懈械褋褟 芯褌 胁褉械屑械薪懈 薪邪泻芯谢泻懈. 小懈写械谢 褍卸械, 芯褌械褑? 袣懈胁邪械褌. 袠蟹 62 谢械褌 卸懈蟹薪懈 袦懈褏邪谢褘褔 25 锌褉芯胁械谢 胁 谢邪谐械褉褟褏. 小邪屑邪褟 写芯谢谐邪褟 芯褌褋懈写泻邪 鈥 褋 1986 锌芯 1998 谐芯写褘. 袙褋械 褋邪屑芯械 懈薪褌械褉械褋薪芯械 锌褉芯锌褍褋褌懈谢, 谐芯胁芯褉褞. 袛械写 褋屑械械褌褋褟 斜械蟹蟹褍斜褘屑 褉褌芯屑. 袛邪, 屑芯谢, 褋械谢 胁 芯写薪芯泄 褋褌褉邪薪械, 胁褘褕械谢 胁 写褉褍谐芯泄.

小械泄褔邪褋 芯薪 卸写械褌 芯褔械褉械写薪芯泄 褋褉芯泻. 袙褘锌懈胁邪谢 褋 褋芯褋械写芯屑 褍 褋械斜褟 胁 写械褉械胁薪械. 小谢芯胁芯 蟹邪 褋谢芯胁芯, 胁蟹褟谢 锌芯谢械薪芯 懈 锌褉芯谢芯屑懈谢 械屑褍 谐芯谢芯胁褍. 孝芯褌 褍屑械褉.

鈥 袧械 卸邪谢泻芯?

袦邪褕械褌 褉褍泻芯泄 懈 芯褌胁芯褉邪褔懈胁邪械褌褋褟.


袙 袣懈褉芯胁械 胁 薪邪褕械 泻褍锌械 蟹邪胁芯写褟褌 锌邪褉薪褟. 袨薪 斜褉芯褋邪械褌 斜邪褍谢 懈 锌褉芯褌褟谐懈胁邪械褌 褉褍泻褍: 袙邪褋懈谢懈泄. 小邪屑 懈蟹 薪械斜芯谢褜褕芯谐芯 谐芯褉芯写邪, 褋械谢 蟹邪 写褉邪泻褍 褋 锌芯谢懈褑械泄褋泻懈屑, 褋芯斜懈褉邪械褌褋褟 薪邪 胁芯泄薪褍. 袨褌谢邪屑褘胁邪褞 械屑褍 泻褍褋芯泻 褕芯泻芯谢邪写邪 懈 褋锌褉邪褕懈胁邪褞, 薪械 斜芯懈褌褋褟 谢懈 锌芯谐懈斜薪褍褌褜.

鈥 袧械, 褟 胁械蟹褍褔懈泄. 袧邪 屑芯褌懈泻械 写胁邪卸写褘 褉邪蟹斜懈胁邪谢褋褟, 胁褋械 薪懈褔械谐芯鈥

袩芯泻邪蟹褘胁邪械褌 褕褉邪屑褘 薪邪 斜邪褕泻械, 写芯泻邪蟹褘胁邪褟 褋胁芯褞 卸懈胁褍褔械褋褌褜. 袧褍 褏芯褉芯褕芯, 谐芯胁芯褉褞, 邪 褋邪屑 褍斜懈胁邪褌褜 谐芯褌芯胁? 孝邪屑 谢褞写懈 褋胁芯褞 蟹械屑谢褞 蟹邪褖懈褖邪褞褌, 邪 褌褘 锌芯械写械褕褜 褋 芯褉褍卸懈械屑 胁 褔褍卸褍褞 褋褌褉邪薪褍. 袩邪褉械薪褜 卸屑械褌 锌谢械褔邪屑懈.

鈥 孝邪屑 胁械写褜 芯写薪懈 薪邪褑懈褋褌褘鈥

鈥 小 褔械谐芯 褌褘 胁蟹褟谢?

鈥 袩芯 褌械谢械泻褍 锌芯泻邪蟹褘胁邪谢懈.

鈥 孝褘 胁械褉懈褕褜 褌械谢械泻褍?

鈥 携 褔褌芯, 写褍褉邪泻? 袩芯 褌械谢械泻褍 芯写薪芯 胁褉邪薪褜械.

袙邪褋褟 斜械蟹蟹邪斜芯褌薪芯 卸褍械褌 褕芯泻芯谢邪写, 邪 褟 锌褘褌邪褞褋褜 锌械褉械胁邪褉懈褌褜 褍褋谢褘褕邪薪薪芯械.

The prize

The authors of the ten best entries will be invited to take part in a special Translation Workshop organized by the School of Languages and Cultures at the University of 91直播, involving academics from the School, MA students in Translation Studies and alumni who work in translation-related fields. The workshop will be held online in January 2025 (date to be confirmed). The authors of the three best entries will additionally each receive a prize of a 拢25 Amazon voucher.

The judges

The translations will be read and judged by a panel of experts from the School of Languages and Cultures at the University of 91直播. 

How to enter

Please translate the text above into English. Please also append a brief note in English (roughly 100 words) describing how you dealt with a particularly intriguing challenge as you translated the text. This note will not be assessed, but we will post a selection of the most illuminating comments anonymously on this website after the winners are announced. 

Entries must be submitted via the .  You must complete the form and upload your entry via the link on the form or your entry may not be considered. Entries must be uploaded no later than 11:59pm GMT on Friday 29 November 2024.

Translations must be the original work of individual students. Only one entry per student is permitted.

Winners will be notified by Monday 16 December 2024.

A fair copy of the translation, based on the best entries, will be available on this website in January 2025. We regret that we cannot provide feedback on individual entries.


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