
Members of the GPRG are authors on a number of field-leading publications. The majority of these documents are published as peer reviewed scientific papers, in internationally recognised journals, as well as published conference proceedings, chapters in specialist books, and technical reports.

Cadair Idris, a cirque in Wales.

Journal articles

2016 articles
  • Gill, R.T., Thornton S.F., Harbottle M.J. & Smith, J.W.N. (2016). Sustainability assessment of electrokinetic bioremediation compared with alternative remediation options for a petroleum release site. Journal of Environmental Management. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.07.036
  • Zoccarato C, Baù D, Ferronato M, Gambolati G, Alzraiee A & Teatini P (2016). Data assimilation of surface displacements to improve geomechanical parameters of gas storage reservoirs. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121(3), 1441-1461.
  • González-Nicolás A, Baù D & Alzraiee A (2015). Detection of potential leakage pathways from geological carbon storage by fluid pressure data assimilation. Advances in Water Resources, 86, 366-384.
  • Baù, D., Alzraiee, A., Zoccarato, C., Gambolati, G., Ferronato, M., Bottazzi, Mantica, S. & Teatini, P. (2015). Testing a data assimilation approach to reduce geomechanical uncertainties in modeling land subsidence, Environmental Geotechnics, doi: 10.1680/envgeo.15.00005
  • Chen, X., Pao, W., Thornton, S.F. & Small, J. (2016). Unsaturated hydro-mechanical-chemical constitutive coupled model based on mixture coupling theory: Hydration swelling and chemical osmosis. International Journal of Engineering Science, 104, 97-109.
  • Fenton, O., Healy, M.G., Brennan, F.P., Thornton, S.F., Lanigan, G.J. and Ibrahim, T.G. (2016). Holistic evaluation of field-Scale denitrifying bioreactors as a basis to improve environmental sustainability. Journal of Environmental Quality, doi:10.2134/jeq2015.10.0500
  • Gill, R.T., Thornton S.F., Harbottle M.J. & Smith, J.W. (2016). Effect of physical heterogeneity on the electromigration of nitrate in layered granular porous media. Electrochimica Acta, 199, 59–69.
  • Hedbavna, P., Rolfe, S.A., Huang, W.E. and Thornton, S. F. (2016). Biodegradation of phenolic compounds and their metabolites in contaminated groundwater using microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology, 200, 426–434.
2015 articles
  • Zhang, D., Berry, J.P., Zhu, D., Wang, Y., Chen, Y., Jiang, B., Huang, S., Langford, H., Li, G., Davison, P.A., Xu, J., Aries, E. and Huang, W.E. (2015). Magnetic nanoparticle-mediated isolation of functional bacteria in a complex microbial community. ISME Journal, 9, 603-614.
  • Chandler, D.M. and Lerner, D.N. (2015). A low cost method to detect polluted surface water outfalls and misconnected drainage. Water and Environment Journal, 29, 202-206.
  • Broadhead, A.T., Horn, R. and Lerner, D.N. (2015). Finding lost streams and springs captured in combined sewers: a multiple lines of evidence approach. Water and Environment Journal, 29, 288-297.
  • Bizzi, S. and Lerner, D.N. (2015). The use of stream power as an indicator of channel sensitivity to erosion and deposition processes. River Research and Applications, 31, 16-27.
  • Baù, D., Cody, B. M., & González-Nicolás, A. (2015). An iterative global pressure solution for the simulation of geological carbon sequestration. Computational Geosciences. doi:10.1007/s10596-015-9489-4.
  • Baù, D., Ferronato, M., Gambolati, G., Teatini, P., and Alzraiee, A. (2015). Ensemble smoothing of land subsidence measurements for reservoir geomechanical characterization. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 39(2), 207-228.
  • Cody, B. M., Baù, D., and González-Nicolás, A. (2015). Stochastic injection-strategyoptimization for the preliminary assessment of candidate geological storage sites. Hydrogeology Journal. doi:10.1007/s10040-015-1250-5.
  • González-Nicolás, A., Baù, D., Cody, B. M., and Alzraiee, A. (2015). Stochastic and global sensitivity analyses of uncertain parameters affecting the safety of geological carbon storage in saline aquifers of the Michigan Basin. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 37, 99-114.
  • Gill, R.T, Harbottle, M.J., Smith, J.W.N. & Thornton, S.F. (2015). Electrokinetic migration of nitrate through heterogeneous granular porous media, Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation. DOI: 10.1111/gwmr.12107
  • Barns, G. L., Thornton, S.F. & Wilson, R.D. (2015). Identification of small-scale low and high permeability layers using single well forced-gradient tracer tests: Fluorescent dye imaging and modelling at the laboratory-scale. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 172, 84-99
  • Chen, X., Thornton, S.F. & Small, J. (2015). Influence of hyper-alkaline pH leachate on mineral and porosity evolution in the chemically disturbed zone developed in the near-field host rock for a nuclear waste repository.Transport in Porous Media, DOI 10.1007/s11242-014-0450-0
2014 articles
  • Alzraiee, A. H., Bau, D., & Elhaddad, A. (2014). Estimation of heterogeneous aquifer parameters using centralized and decentralized fusion of hydraulic tomography data. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18, 3207-3223.
  • Westling, E.L., Surridge, B.W.J., Sharp, L. and Lerner, D.N. (2014). Making sense of landscape change: Long-term perceptions among local residents following river restoration. Journal of Hydrology, 519, 2613-2623.
  • Healy, M.G., Barrett, M., Lanigan, G.J., Serrenho, A. J., Ibrahim, T.G., Thornton, S.F., Rolfe, S. A., Huang, W.E. and Fenton, O. (2014). Optimizing nitrate removal and evaluating pollution swapping trade-offs from laboratory denitrification bioreactors. Ecological Engineering, 74, 290-301.
  • Moyce, E.B.A., Rochelle, C., Morris, K., Milodowski, A.E., Chen, X., Thornton, S., Small, J.S. and Shaw, S. (2014). Rock alteration in alkaline cement waters over 15 years and its relevance to the geological disposal of nuclear waste. Applied Geochemistry, 50, 91-105.
  • Thornton, S.F., Baker, K.M., Bottrell, S.H., Rolfe, S.A., McNamee, P., Forrest, F., Duffield, P., Wilson, R.D., Fairburn, A.W., Cieslak, L. (2014). Enhancement of in situ biodegradation of organic compounds in groundwater by targeted pump and treat intervention. Applied Geochemistry, 48, 28-40
  • Gill, R.T., Harbottle, M.J., Smith, J.W.N. & Thornton, S.F. (2014). Electrokinetic-enhanced bioremediation of organic contaminants: A review of processes and environmental applications. Chemosphere, 107, 31–42
  • Fenton, O., Healy, M.G., Brennan, F., Jahangir, M.M.R., Lanigan, G.J., Richards, K. G., Steven F. Thornton, S. F. & Ibrahim, T. (2014). Permeable reactive interceptors - blocking diffuse nutrient and greenhouse gases losses in key areas of the farming landscape. J Agricultural Science doi:10.1017/S0021859613000944
2013 articles
  • Kumar, V., Rouquette, J.R. and Lerner, D.N. (2013). Integrated modelling for sustainability appraisal of urban river corridors: Going beyond compartmentalised thinking. Water Research, 47, 7221-7234.
  • Broadhead, A.T., Horn, R. and Lerner, D.N. (2013). Captured streams and springs in combined sewers: A review of the evidence, consequences and opportunities. Water Research, 47, 4752-4766.
  • Bizzi, S., Surridge, B.W.J. and Lerner, D.N. (2013). Structural equation modelling: A novel statistical framework for exploring the spatial distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in riverine ecosystems. River Research and Applications, 29, 743-759.
  • Broadhead, A.T. and Lerner, D.N. (2013). case study website supporting research into daylighting urban rivers. Hydrological Processes, 27, 1840-1842.
  • Corkhill, C., Bridge, J. Chen, X., Hillel, P., Thornton, S., Romero-Gonzalez, M., Banwart, S. and Hyatt, N. (2013). Real-time gamma imaging of technetium transport through natural and engineered porous materials for radioactive waste disposal. Environmental Science and Technology, 47, 13857-13864
  • Chen, C., Zhang, D., Thornton, S.F., Duan, M., Luo, Y., Ding, A. & Huang, W.E. (2013). Functionalization and immobilisation of the whole cell bioreporters for the detection of environmental contamination. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 12, 1417-1422.
  • Rizoulis, A., Elliott, D.R., Rolfe, S.A., Thornton, S.F., Banwart, S. A., Pickup, R. W. & Scholes, J. S. (2013). Diversity of planktonic and attached bacterial communities in a phenol-contaminated sandstone aquifer. Microbial Ecology, DOI 10.1007/s00248-013-0233-0
  • Thornton, S.F., Tobin, K. & Smith, J.W.H (2013). Comparison of constant and transient-source zones on simulated contaminant plume evolution in groundwater: Implications for hydrogeological risk assessment. Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation. doi: 10.1111/gwmr.12008
  • Zhang, D., Ding, A., Hu, C, Thornton, S.F. & Huang, W. (2013). Biosensor application for rapid detection and evaluation of crude oil contamination in marine water and sediments. Water Research, 47, 1191-1200
2012 articles
  • Cai, Z.S., Wilson, R.D. and Lerner, D.N. (2012). Assessing TCE source bioremediation by geostatistical analysis of a flux fence. Ground Water, 50, 908-917.
  • Bizzi, S. and Lerner, D.N. (2012). Characterizing physical habitats in rivers using map-derived drivers of fluvial geomorphic processes. Geomorphology, 169, 64-73.
  • Holzkamper, A., Kumar, V., Surridge, B.W.J., Paetzold, A. and Lerner, D.N. (2012). Bringing diverse knowledge sources together - A meta-model for supporting integrated catchment management. Journal of Environmental Management, 96, 116-127.
  • Holt, A.R. Moug, P. Lerner, D.N. (2012). The network governance of urban river corridors. Ecology and Society, 17, Article 25.
  • Diaz-Nieto, J., Lerner, D.N., Saul, A.J. and Blanksby, J. (2012). GIS water-balance approach to support surface water flood-risk management. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 17, 55-67.
  • Baker, K. Bottrell, S.H., Thornton, S.F., Peel, K. & Spence, M.J. (2012). Effect of contaminant concentration on in-situ bacterial sulphate reduction and methanogenesis in a phenol-contaminated aquifer. Applied Geochemistry, 27, 2010-2018
  • Barns, G.L., Wilson, R.D. & Thornton, S.F. (2012). Fluorescent dye imaging of the volume sampled by single well forced-gradient tracer tests evaluated in a laboratory-scale aquifer physical model. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 128, 58-70
2011 articles
  • Lerner, D.N., Kumar, V., Holzkamper, A., Surridge, B.W.J. and Harris, B. (2012). Challenges in developing an integrated catchment management model. Water and Environment Journal, 25, 345-354.
  • Wild, T.C., Bernet, J.F., Westling, E.L. and Lerner, D.N. (2011). Deculverting: reviewing the evidence on the 'daylighting' and restoration of culverted rivers. Water and Environment Journal, 25, 412-421.
  • Lerner, D.N. and Zheng, C.M. (2011). Integrated catchment management: path to enlightenment. Hydrological Processes, 16, 2635-2640.
  • Thornton, S.F., Bottrell, S.H., Spence, K.S., Pickup, R., Spence, M.J., Shah, N., Mallinson, H.E.H.M. & Richnow, H.H. (2011). Assessment of MTBE biodegradation in contaminated groundwater using 13C and 14C analysis: Field and laboratory microcosm studies. Applied Geochemistry, 26, 828-837
  • Wainwright, J., Turnbull, L., Ibrahim, T.G., Lexartza-Artza, I., Thornton, S.F. & Brazier, R.E. (2011). Linking environmental regimes, space and time : Interpretations of structural and functional connectivity. Geomorphology J., 126, 387-404
2010 articles
  • Elliott, D.R., Scholes, J.D., Thornton, S.F., Rizoulis, A., Banwart, S.A. & Rolfe, S.A. (2010). Dynamic changes in microbial community structure and function in phenol-degrading microcosms from a contaminated aquifer. FEMSMicrobial Ecology, 71, 247-259
  • Bottrell, S.H., Thornton, S.F., Spence, M.J., Allshorn, S. & Spence, K.H. (2010). Assessment of the use of fluoresecent tracers in a contaminated Chalk aquifer. Q. J. of Engin. Geol. & Hydrol, 43, 1-14
  • Ibrahim, T., Thornton, S.F. & Wainwright, J (2010). The interplay of geomorphologic and hydrogeologic features at reach- and channel-unit scales on riverbed hydrology and hydrochemistry in the heterogeneous setting of the Lower Coal Measures (South Yorkshire, UK). Hydrogeology J, 18, 1391-1411
2009 articles
  • Catney, P. and Lerner, D.N. (2009). Managing multidisciplinarity: Lessons from SUBR:IM. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 4, 290-308.
  • Lerner, D.N. and Harris, B. (2009). The relationship between land use and groundwater resources and quality. Land Use Policy, 26, S265-S273.
  • Westling, E.L., Lerner, D.N. and Sharp, L. (2009). Using secondary data to analyse socio-economic impacts of water management actions. Journal of Environmental Management, 91, 411-422.
  • Lerner, D.N. (2009). Groundwater matters. Hydrological Processes, 23, 3269-3270.
  • Tellam, J.H. and Lerner, DN. (2009). Management tools for the river-aquifer interface. Hydrological Processes, 23, 2267-2274.
  • Gutierrez-Neri, M., Ham, P.A.S., Schotting, R.J. and Lerner, D.N. (2009). Analytical modelling of fringe and core biodegradation in groundwater plumes. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 107, 1-9.
  • Smith, J.W.N., Surridge, B.W.J., Haxton, T.H. and Lerner, D.N. (2009). Pollutant attenuation at the groundwater-surface water interface: A classification scheme and statistical analysis using national-scale nitrate data. Journal of Hydrology, 369, 392-402.
  • Hewett, C.J.M., Quinn, P.F., Heathwaite, A.L., Doyle, A., Burke, S., Whitehead, P.G. and Lerner, D.N. (2009). A multi-scale framework for strategic management of diffuse pollution. Environmental Modelling and Software, 24, 74-85.
  • Song, Y., Li, G., Thornton, S.F., Thompson, I., Banwart, S.A., Lerner, D. N. & Huang, W. (2009). Optimization of bacterial whole cell bioreporters for toxicity assay of environmental samples. Environmental Science & Technology, 43, 7931-7938
  • Shah N.W., Thornton, S.F., Bottrell, S.H., Spence, M.J. (2009) 'Biodegradation potential of MTBE in a fractured chalk aquifer under aerobic conditions in long-term uncontaminated and contaminated aquifer microcosms' Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 103 (2009) pp 119–133
  • Luo, Q., Catney,P.,Lerner, D. (2009) 'Risk-based management of contaminated land in the UK: Lessons for China?' Journal of Environmental Management 90 pp 1123–1134
  • Smits, T.H.M., Hüttmann, A., Lerner, D. N. and Holliger, C.(2009)'Detection and Quantification of Bacteria Involved in Aerobic and Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation in an Ammonium-Contaminated Aquifer',Bioremediation Journal,13:1,41 — 51
2008 articles
  • Chisala, B.N. and Lerner, D.N. (2008). Distribution of sewer exfiltration to urban groundwater. Proc of Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management, 161, 333-341.
  • Smith, J.W.N and Lerner, D.N. (2008). Geomorphologic control on pollutant retardation at the groundwater-surface water interface. Hydrological Processes, 22, 4679-4694.
  • Tait, N.G., Davison, R.M., Leharne, S.A. and Lerner, D.N. (2008). Borehole Optimisation System (BOS) - A case study assessing options for abstraction of urban groundwater in Nottingham, UK. Environmental Modelling and Software, 23, 611-621.
  • S. F. Thornton, S.F., Wealthall, G.P. (2008) Site characterisation for improved assessment of contaminant fate in fractured aquifers Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Water Management vol 161 Iss WM6 pp 343–356
  • M. O. Rivett, M.O., Thornton, S.F. (2008) 'Monitored natural attenuation of organic contaminants in groundwater: principles and application' Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Water Management vol 161 Iss WM6 pp 381–392
  • Wilson, R.D., Yip, W.C., Naas, C.N. (2008) 'Assessing performance of a permeable biobarrier' Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Water Management vol 161 Iss WM6 pp 375–379
2007 articles
  • Cai, Z. Merly, C. Thomson, N.R. Wilson, R.D. Lerner, D.N. (2007). Channel flow and trichloroethylene treatment in a partly iron-filled fracture: Experimental and model results. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 93, 284-303.
  • Rees, H.C., Oswald, S.E., Banwart, S.A., Pickup, R.W. and Lerner, D.N. (2007). Biodegradation processes in a laboratory-scale groundwater contaminant plume assessed by fluorescence imaging and microbial analysis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 73, 3865-3876.
  • Smith, J.W.N. and Lerner, D.N. (2007). A framework for rapidly assessing the pollutant retardation capacity of aquifers and sediments. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 40, 137-146.
  • Trowsdale, S.A. and Lerner, D.N. (2007). A modelling approach to determine the origin of urban ground water. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 91, 171-183.
  • Bridge, J.W., Banwart, S.A., and Heathwaite, A.L. (2007) High-resolution measurement of pore saturation and colloid removal efficiency in quartz sand using fluorescence imaging. Environ. Sci. Technol., 41(24), 8288-8294.
  • Z. Cai, D.N. Lerner, R.G. McLaren and R.D. Wilson (2007) Conceptual analysis of zero-valent iron fracture reactive barriers for remediating a trichloroethylene plume in a chalk aquifer. Water Resources Research, 43, W03436, doi:10.1029/2006WR004946.
  • J.W.N. Smith and D.N. Lerner (2007) A framework for rapidly assessing the pollutant retardation capacity of aquifers and sediments. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 40(2), 137-146
  • S. Trowsdale and D.N. Lerner (2007) Assessing the Origin and Age of Urban Ground Water with Depth - A Modelling Approach. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 91, 171-183
  • B.N. Chisala, N.G. Tait and D.N. Lerner (2007) Evaluating the risk of methyl tertiary- butyl ether (MTBE) to urban groundwater at city scale: Nottingham case study. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 91, 128-145
  • Eboigbodin, K. E., Ojeda, J. J. and Biggs (2007) C. A. Investigating the Surface Properties of Escherichia coli under Glucose Controlled Conditions and Its Effect on Aggregation. Langmuir doi:10.1021/la063404z
2006 articles
  • R.G. Taylor, A.A. Cronin, D.N. Lerner, J.H. Tellam, S.H. Bottrell, J. Rueedi and M.H. Barrett (2006) Hydrochemical evidence of the depth of penetration of anthropogenic recharge in sandstone aquifers underlying two mature cities in the UK. Applied Geochemistry, 21, 1570-1592.
  • Wakida, F.T., Lerner, D.N. (2006). Short communication: Potential nitrate leaching to groundwater from house building. Hydrol. Process, 20, 2077-2081
  • Cai, Z., Thomson, N.R., Wilson, R.D., Oswald, S.E. (2006). A lumped parameter approach to model the treatment of organic contaminants by a granular iron filled fracture. Advances in Water Resources, 29, 624-638.
  • Steele, A., Reynolds, D.A., Keuper, B.H., and Lerner, D.N. (2006). Field determination of mechanical aperture, entry pressure and relative permeability of fractures using NAPL injection. Geotechnique, 56(1), 27-38.
  • Evans, K.A., Banwart, S.A. (2006) Rate controls on the chemical weathering of natural polymineralic material. I. Dissolution behaviour of polymineralic assemblages determined using batch and unsaturated column experiments. Applied Geochemistry, 21, 352-376.
  • Evans, K.A., Watkins, D.C., Banwart, S.A. (2006) Rate controls on the chemical weathering of natural polymineralic material. II. Rate-controlling mechanisms and mineral sources and sinks for element release from four UK mine sites, and implications for comparison of laboratory and field scale weathering studies. Applied Geochemistry, 21, 377-403.
  • Bridge et al (2006). Noninvasive quantitative measurement of colloid transport in mesoscale porous media using time lapse fluorescence imaging. ES&T on-line.
  • C.J. Gandy, J.W.N. Smith, A.P. Jarvis (2006)Attenuation of mining-derived pollutants in the hyporheic zone: A review. Science of the Total Environment, In Press.
  • John Keery, Andrew Binley, Nigel Crook, Jonathan W N Smith (2006) Temporal and spatial variability of groundwater-surface water fluxes: Development and application of an analytical method using temperature time series. Journal of Hydrology.
  • Wu, Y., Lerner, D.N., Banwart, S.A., Thornton, S.F., Pickup, R.W. (2006) Persistence of Fermentative Process to Phenolic Toxicity in Groundwater. Journal of Environmental Quality, 35, 2021-2025
2005 articles
  • Watson, I.A., Oswald, S.E., Banwart, S.A., Crouch, R.S., and Thornton, S.F. (2005). Modeling the dynamics of fermentation and respiratory processes in a groundwater plume of phenolic contaminants interpreted from laboratory- to field-scale. Environ. Sci. Technol., 39, 8829-8839.
  • Harrold, G., Lerner, D.N., and Leharne, S.A. (2005). The impact of additives found in industrial formulations of TCE on the wettability of sandstone. J. Contam. Hydrol., 80, 1-17.
  • Thornton, S.F., Tellam, J.H., and Lerner, D.N. (2005). Experimental and modelling approaches for the assessment of chemical impacts of leachate migration from landfills: A case study of a site on the Triassic sandstone aquifer in the UK East Midlands. Geotech. Geolog. Eng., 23, 811-829.
  • Spence, M.J., Bottrell, S.H., Thornton, S.F., Richnow, H.H. and Spence, K.H. (2005). Hydrochemical and isotopic effects associated with petroleum fuel biodegradation pathways in a chalk aquifer. J. Contam. Hydrol., 79, 67-88.
  • Mason, V.P., Markx, G.H., Thompson, I.P., Andrews, J.S. and Mansfield, M. (2005). Colonial architecture in mixed species assemblages affects AHL mediated gene expression. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 244 (1), 121-127.
  • Spence, M.J., Thornton, S.F., Bottrell, S.H. and Spence, K.H. (2005). Determination of interstitial water chemistry and porosity in consolidated aquifer materials by diffusion equilibrium-exchange. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39, 1158-1166.
  • Wakida, F.T. and Lerner, D.N. (2005). Non-agricultural sources of groundwater nitrate: a review and case study. Water Research 39, 3-16.
2004 articles
  • Bottrell, S., Coulson, J., Spence, M., Roworth, P., Novak, M. & Forbes, L. (2004). Impacts of pollutant loading, climate variability and site management on the surface water quality of a lowland raised bog, Thorne Moors, E. England, UK. Applied Geochemistry, 19 (3), 413-422.
  • Buss, S.R.; Herbert, A. W.; Morgan, P.; Thornton, S.F.; Smith J.W.N. (2004). A review of ammonium attenuation in soil and groundwater. The Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and
  • Hydrogeology, 37, no. 4, pp. 347-359(13).
  • Nayagum, D., Schäfer, G., Mosé, R. (2004). Modelling two-phase incompressible flow in porous media using mixed hybrid and discontinuous finite elements. Computational Geosciences, 8, 49-73.
  • Tait, N.G., Davison, R.M., Whittaker, J.J., Leharne, S.A., & Lerner, D.N. (2004) Borehole Optimisation System (BOS) - A GIS based risk analysis tool for optimising the use of urban groundwater. Environmental Modelling & Software, 19, 1111-1124.
  • Tait, N.G., Lerner, D.N., Smith, J.W.N. & Leharne, S.A. (2004). Prioritisation of extraction boreholes at risk from chlorinated solvent contamination on the UK Permo-Triassic Sandstone aquifer using a GIS. The Science of the Total Environment, 319, 77-98.
  • Wilson, R.D., Thornton, S.F. & Mackay, D.M. (2004). Challenges in monitoring the natural attenuation of spatially variable plumes. Biodegradation 15, 359-369.
2003 articles
  • Burke, S., Banwart, S., Jarvis, A., England, A. & Younger, P. (2003) Up-scaling of oxidation and accretion reactors: engineering and economic considerations. Land Contamination and Reclamation 11(2), 165-172.
  • Burke, S.P., Heathwaite, A.L., Quinn, P.F., Merrett, S.P., Whitehead, P.G., Preedy, N.P., Lerner, D.N. & Saul, A.J. (2003) Strategic Management of Non-Point Source Pollution from Sewage Sludge: The SEAL Project. Water Science and Technology, 47(7-8), 305-310.
  • Dewsbury, P., Thornton, S.F. & Lerner, D.N (2003) Improved analysis of MTBE, TAME and TBA in petroleum fuel-contaminated groundwater by SPME using deuterated internal standards with GC-MS. Environmental Science and Technology, 37(7), 1392-1397.
  • Harrold, G., Gooddy, D.C., Reid, S., Lerner, D.N. & Leharne, S.A. (2003) Changes in interfacial tension of chlorinated solvents following flow through UK soils and shallow aquifer material. Environmental Science and Technology, 37, 1919-1925.
  • Huang, W.E., Oswald, S.E., Lerner, D.N., Smith, C.C. & Zheng, C. (2003) Dissolved oxygen imaging in a porous medium to investigate biodegradation in a plume with limited electron acceptor supply. Environmental Science and Technology, 37(9), 1905-1911.
  • Lerner, D.N. (2003) Estimating urban loads of nitrogen to groundwater. Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management, 17(4), 239-244.
  • Powell, K.L., Taylor, R.G., Cronin, A.A., Barrett, M.H., Pedley, S., Sellwood, J., Trowsdale, S.A. & Lerner, D.N. (2003) Microbial contamination of two urban sandstone aquifers in the UK. Water Research, 37, 339–352.
  • Taylor, R.G., Cronin, A.A., Trowsdale, S.A., Baines, O.P., Barrett, M.H., & Lerner, D.N. (2003) Vertical groundwater flow in Permo-Triassic sediments underlying two cities in the Trent River Basin (UK). Journal of Hydrology 284, 92-113.
  • Trowsdale S.A. & Lerner D.N. (2003) Implications of flow patterns in the sandstone aquifer beneath the mature conurbation of Nottingham (UK) for source protection. The Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 36 (3), 197-206.
  • Watson, I.A., Oswald, S.E., Mayer, K.U., Wu, Y. & Banwart, S.A. (2003) Modeling Kinetic Processes Controlling Hydrogen and Acetate Concentrations in an Aquifer-Derived Microcosm. Environmental Science and Technology, 37(17), 3910-3919.
2002 articles
  • Burke, S. and Banwart, S.A. (2002) A geochemical model for removal of Fe(II)(aq) from mine water discharges. Applied Geochemistry, 17 (4), pp. 431-443. SSN 0883 2927/02.
  • Huang, B. and Lerner, D.N. (2002) Understanding a complex adit and shaft groundwater source in the Chalk aquifer. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 35, pp. 371-379. ISSN 1470-9236.
  • Huang, W., Smith, C.C., Lerner, D.N., Thornton, S.F. and Oram, A. (2002) Physical modelling of solute transport in porous media: evaluation of an imaging technique using UV excited fluorescent dye. Water Research, 36 (7), pp. 1843-1853. ISSN 0043-1354.
  • Lerner, D.N., Wealthall, G.P. and Steele, A. (2002) Assessing risks from DNAPLs in fractured aquifers. Agricultural Sciences (J. of Scientific Research, Sultan Qaboos University), 7 (2), pp. 47-52. ISSN 1026-0544
  • Lerner, D.N. (2002) Identifying and quantifying urban recharge: a review. Hydrogeology Journal, 10 (1), January, pp. 143-152. ISSN 1431-2174.
  • Wakida, F.T. and Lerner, D.N. (2002) Nitrate leaching from construction sites to groundwater in the Nottingham, UK urban area. Water Science and Technology, 45 (9), pp. 243-248. ISSN 0273-1223.
2001 articles
  • Banwart S. and Malmström M. (2001). Hydrochemical modelling for preliminary assessment of minewater pollution. Invited contribution to The Geochemistry of Mine Waters, Special Issue of Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 74, 73-97.
  • Williams, G.M. et al. (2001). Biogeochemical characterisation of a coal tar distillate plume. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 53(3-4): 175-197.
  • Thornton, S.F., Lerner, D.N. and Banwart, S.A. (2001). Assessing the natural attenuation of organic contaminants in aquifers using plume-scale electron and carbon balances: model development with analysis of uncertainty and parameter sensitivity. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 53(3-4): 199-232.
  • Thornton, S.F. et al. (2001). Processes controlling the distribution and natural attenuation of dissolved phenolic compounds in a deep sandstone aquifer. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 53(3-4): 233-267.
  • Pickup, R.W. et al. (2001). Microbiological analysis of multi-level borehole samples from a contaminated groundwater system. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 53(3-4): 269-284.
  • Spence, M.J., Bottrell, S.H., Thornton, S.F. and Lerner, D.N. (2001) Isotopic modelling of the significance of bacterial sulphate reduction for phenol attenuation in a contaminated aquifer. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 53(3-4): 285-304.
  • Spence, M.J., Bottrell, S.H., Higgo, J.J.W., Harrison, I. and Fallick, A.E. (2001). Denitrification and phenol degradation in a contaminated aquifer. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology53(3-4): 305-318.
  • Harrison, I. et al. (2001). Microcosm studies of microbial degradation in a coal tar distillate plume. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 53(3-4): 319-340.
  • Mayer, K.U., Benner, S.G., Frind, E.O., Thornton, S.F. and Lerner, D.N. (2001). Reactive transport modeling of processes controlling the distribution and natural attenuation of phenolic compounds in a deep sandstone aquifer. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 53(3-4): 341-368.
  • Gary P. Wealthall, Adrian Steele, John P. Bloomfield, Richard H. Moss, David N. Lerner (2001). Sediment filled fractures in the Permo-Triassic sandstones of the Cheshire Basin: observations and implications for pollutant transport. J. Cont. Hydrology. 50, 41–51
  • A. Steele and D.N. Lerner (2001). Predictive modelling of NAPL injection in spatially correlated variable aperture fractures. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol 49, 287-310.
  • Gavin Harrold, Daren C. Gooddy, David N. Lerner, and Stephen A. Leharne (2001). Wettability Changes in Trichloroethylene- Contaminated Sandstone . Environ. Sci. Technol., 35 (7), 1504 - 1510.
  • S.F. Thornton, J.H. Tellam and D.N. Lerner (2001). Attenuation of landfill leachate by clay liner materials in laboratory columns: 2. Behaviour of inorganic contaminants. Waste Management & Research, 19(1), 70-88.
2000 articles
  • B. Zhang and D.N. Lerner (2000). Modelling of ground water flow to adits. Ground Water, 38(1), 99-105.
  • S.F. Thornton, J.H. Tellam and D.N. Lerner (2000). Attenuation of landfill leachate by UK Triassic sandstone aquifer materials, 1. Fate of inorganic pollutants in laboratory columns. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 43(3-4), 327-354.
  • S.F. Thornton, M.I. Bright, D.N. Lerner and J.H. Tellam (2000). Attenuation of landfill leachate by UK Triassic Sandstone materials, 2. Sorption and degradation of organic pollutants in laboratory columns. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 43(3-4), 355-383.
  • Guanghe Li, Wei Huang, D.N. Lerner, and Xu Zhang (2000). Enrichment of degrading microbes and
  • bioremediation of petrochemical contaminants in polluted soil. Water Research, 34(15), 3845-3853.
  • M.I. Bright, S.F. Thornton, D.N. Lerner and J.H. Tellam (2000). Attenuation of landfill leachate by UK clay liner materials, 1 Experimental procedures and behaviour of organic contaminants. Waste Management and Research, 18(3), 198-214.
  • Li Guanghe, Zhang Xu, S.F. Thornton and D.N. Lerner (2000). Transport and degradation of phenol in groundwater at Four Ashes. Tsinghua Science & Technology, 5(3), 293-297.
  • D.N. Lerner and S.F. Thornton (2000). Natural biodegradation of phenolic compounds in groundwater. Tsinghua Science & Technology, 5(3), 315-322.
  • D. N. Lerner, S. F. Thornton, M. J. Spence, S. A. Banwart, S. H. Bottrell, J. J. Higgo, H. E. H. Mallinson, R. W. Pickup, G. M. Williams (2000). Ineffective natural attenuation of degradable organic compounds in a phenol- contaminated aquifer. Ground Water, 38(6), 922-928.
  • Lerner D.N., Thornton S.F., Spence M.J, Banwart S.A., Bottrell S.H., Higgo J.J, and Mallinson H.E.H. (2000). Ineffective natural attenuation of degradable organic compounds in groundwater. Ground Water, 38(6),922-928.
  • Christensen T.H., Bjerg P., Banwart S.A., Jakobsen R., Heron G. and Albrechtesen H.-J. (2000). Characterization of redox conditions in groundwater contaminant plumes. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology,45,165-241. Additional supporting information on Christensen et al. (2000) J. Cont. Hydrol. is also avaliable to download.
  • Malmström M., Destouni G, Banwart S. and Strömberg B. (2000). Resolving the scale-dependence of mineral weathering rates. Research Communication in Environmental Science and Technology, Vol.34, No. 7, 1375-1377.
  • Berg A. and Banwart S.(2000). Carbon dioxide mediated weathering of Ca-feldspar: implications for silicate weathering. Chemical Geology,163,25-42.

Conference papers

  • Baù D, González-Nicolás A & Alzraiee A (2016), Data assimilation framework for the identification of potential CO2 leakage pathways, 2nd IEAGHG Modelling and Monitoring Network Meeting, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, 5-8 July 2016.
  • McFarlane, A., Thornton, S.F. & Rolfe, S.A. (2015). How will novel fuels and material impact microbial contamination in aircraft fuel systems. International Assoc. for Stability, Handling & Use of Liquid Fuels (IAHS), International Symposium, 2-8 Oct 2015, Charleston, USA. Winner of John Bacha Award of Excellence Prize for Best Poster Presentation (IAHS) and Royal Aeronautical Society Best Paper (at Aerodays Annual Conference, 20-23 Oct 2015).
  • Schneidewind, U., Thornton, S., Van De Vijver, E., Joris, I. & Seuntjens, P. (2015). Spatial variability of streambed hydraulic conductivity of a lowland river. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-5363-1, 2015, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April 2015.
  • Zoccarato C, Baù D, Bottazzi F., Ferronato M., Gambolati G, Mantica S., & Teatini P (2015). Estimate of a spatially variable reservoir compressibility by assimilation of ground surface displacement data, Proc. IAHS, 372, 351-356, doi:10.5194/piahs-372-351-2015.
  • Hedbavna P., Thornton S.F. & Huang W.E. (2013). Enhanced groundwater bioremediation using microbial fuel cell concepts. Proc. 2nd European Symposium, Water Technology & Management, 20-21 Nov, 2013, Leuven, Belgium, pp.6.
  • Zoccarato C, Baù D, Ferronato M, Gambolati G & Teatini P (2015). Ensemble Smoothing of time-lapse surface displacements and deep deformations for the geomechanical characterization of hydrocarbon reservoirs, Proceedings of EUROCK 2016, ISRM International Symposium, Cappadocia, Turkey.
  • Zoccarato C, Baù D & Teatini P (2015). Spatially Variable Compressibility Estimation Using the Ensemble Smoother with Bathymetry Observations: Application to the Maja Gas Reservoir, AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, CA.
  • Barns, G.L., Wilson, R.D. & Thornton, S.F. (2011). Assessing of the effect of physical heterogeneity on single well tracer tests using imaging experiments. GQ10: Groundwater Quality Management in a Rapidly Changing World. Proc. 7th Int. Groundwater Quality Conf, Zurich, Switzerland, 13–18 June 2010. IAHS Publ 342, 275-278.
  • Cheng, L., Lerner, D.N., Thornton, S.F. & Mayer, U. (2011) MTBE attenuation in a dual porosity chalk aquifer – field observations and modelling results. In Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling: Managing Groundwater and the Environment, IAHS Publ. 341, 159-165
  • Thornton, S.F., Bottrell, S.H., Shah, N., Spence, K.H., Spence, M.J. & Richnow, H.H. (2008) Variability in carbon isotope fractionation during aerobic biodegradation of MTBE in groundwater. In GQ2007: Securing Groundwater Quality in Urban and Industrialised Environments, Fremantle, Australia, 2-7 Dec 2007. (ed, Trefy, M.G.), IAHS Publ. No. 324, 295-302.
  • Banwart S.A., Thornton S.F., Rees H., Lerner D.N., Wilson R.D. and Romero-Gonzalez, M. (2007). In situ bioremediation by natural attenuation : from lab to field scale. Water Dynamics: 4th International Workshop on Water Dynamics (K. Tsuchiya and B. Jeyadevan, Eds.), American Institute of Physics, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 898, 207-210, ISBN 978-0-7354-0403-8/7.
  • Thornton, S.F., Bottrell, S.H. Pickup, R.P. Spence, M.J. & Spence, K.H. (2006) Processes controlling the natural attenuation of fuel hydrocarbons and MTBE in the UK Chalk aquifer, RP3, pp.96. Published by CL:AIRE (
  • Thornton, S.F., Morgan, P. and Wilson, R.D. (2004). Practical issues for the performance assessment of monitored natural attenuation in groundwater. Proc. Contaminated Land – Achievements and Aspirations. Society of Chemical Industry Conference, University of Loughborough, 12-15 September, 67-79.
  • Chisala, B.N. Tait, N.G. & Lerner, D.N. (2004) Evaluating the risk of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) to urban groundwater. In: hydrology: Science and practice for the 21st century. Volume II, Webb, B., Acreman, M., Maksimovic, C., Smithers, H. & Kirby, C. (eds). Proceedings of the British Hydrological Society International Conference (Imperial College London). Krips, Netherlands. ISBN 1 903741 114. 243 - 249.
  • Lerner, D.N., Davison, R.M. & Tait, N.G. (2004) Assessing the potential value of urban groundwater. In: Hydrology: Science and practice for the 21st century. Volume II, Webb, B., Acreman, M., Maksimovic, C., Smithers, H. & Kirby, C. (eds). Proceedings of the British Hydrological Society International Conference Imperial College London). Krips, Netherlands. ISBN 1 903741 114. 293 - 297.
  • Spence, M.J., Thornton, S.F., Spence, K.H., Bottrell, S.H. & Richnow, H.H. (2003) Natural attenuation of BTEX/MTBE in a dual porosity chalk aquifer. In: V.S. Magar & M.E. Kelley (eds.) In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation - 2003. Proceedings of the 7th International In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium (Orlando, FL., June 2003), Paper H-10.
  • Thornton, S.F., Spence, M.J., Wu, X., Huang, W.E., Mayer, U., Pickup, R., Bottrell, S., Lerner, D.N. & Williams, G. (2002). An integrated assessment of environmental controls on natural attenuation in a phenol-contaminated aquifer. European Conference on Natural Attenuation, Heidelberg, 15-17 October, DECHEMA, Frankfurt, 79-80. ISBN 3-89746-039-4.
  • Lerner, D.N., Huang, W.E., Smith, C.C. & Thornton, S.F. (2002). Transverse dispersion-it’s role in natural attenuation. European Conference on Natural Attenuation, Heidelberg, 15-17 October, DECHEMA, Frankfurt, 39-42. ISBN 3-89746-039-4.
  • Wilson, R.D., Thornton, S.F. & Mackay, D.M. (2002). The implications of spatial and temporal variability on natural attenuation monitoring and assessment. European Conference on Natural Attenuation, Heidelberg, 15-17 October, DECHEMA, Frankfurt, 43-44. ISBN 3-89746-039-4.
  • Lerner, D.N., Thornton, S.F. & Davison, R.D. (2002). The use of monitored natural attenuation as a cost-effective technique for groundwater restoration. In Groundwater Quality, Proc 22nd Annual IAH (Irish Group) Seminar, Tullamore, 16-17 April, pp.6. ISSN 1393-1806
  • Thornton, S.F., Wealthall, G.P. & Lerner, D.N. (2002). Investigating the transport and fate of petroleum hydrocarbons in the Chalk aquifer: A case study assessing natural attenuation. Proceedings of the CL:AIRE Annual Project Conference, Imperial College, London, 11 April, pp.7. ISBN 0-9541673-1-7.
  • Burke, S., Heathwaite, L., Preedy, N., Quinn, P., Merrett, S., Whitehead, P., Lerner, D.N. and Saul, A.J. (2002) Strategic Management of non-point source pollution from sewerage sludge. In Proc IWA Bienniel Conference, Oregon, April.
  • Burke, S. and Banwart, S.A. (2002) Using Fe (II) adsorption and surface-catalysed oxidation for Fe(II) removal from predicted mine water discharges. In Groundwater Quality: Natural and Enhanced Restoration of Groundwater Pollution, IAHS Special Publication No. 275, 91Ö±²¥, pp. 271-275. ISSN 0144-7815
  • Evans, K.A. and Banwart, S.A. (2002) Surface observations applied to the interpretation of unsaturated column experiments. In Groundwater Quality: Natural and Enhanced Restoration of Groundwater Pollution, IAHS Special Publication No. 275, 91Ö±²¥, pp. 153-158. ISSN 0144-7815
  • Huang, W., Lerner, D.N., Smith, C.C. and Thornton, S.F. (2002) A non-invasive imaging technique to investigate the solute transport in porous medi. In Groundwater Quality: natural and enhanced restoration of groundwater pollution. S.F. Thornton & S.E. Oswald (eds), IAHS publication 275, 91Ö±²¥, UK, pp. 277-282. ISSN 0144-7815
  • Jones, I., Lerner, D.N. and Thornton, S.F. (2002) A modelling feasibility study of hydraulic manipulation: a groundwater restoration concept for reluctant contaminant plumes. In Groundwater Quality: natural and enhanced restoration of groundwater pollution. S.F. Thornton & S.E. Oswald (eds), IAHS publication 275, 91Ö±²¥, UK, pp. 525-531. ISSN 0144-7815
  • Jones, I. and Lerner, D.N. (2002) Natural attenuation of remnant coking liquor contamination from a deep unsaturated zone. In Groundwater Quality: natural and enhanced restoration of groundwater pollution. S.F. Thornton & S.E. Oswald (eds), IAHS publication 275, 91Ö±²¥, UK, pp. 169-174. ISSN 0144-7815
  • Mackay, D.M., Wilson, R.D., Naas, C.N., Wood, I.A., Scow, K.M., Smith, A., Gandhi, D., Hristova, K., Watanabe, B. and Einarson, M.D. (2002) In situ treatment of MTBE-contaminated groundwater at twosites in California. In Groundwater Quality: natural and enhanced restoration of groundwater pollution, 91Ö±²¥, June, pp. 333-339. ISSN 0144-7815
  • Mayer, K.U., Benner, S.G., Frind, E.O., Thornton, S.F. and Lerner, D.N. (2002) Multicomponent reactive transport modelling of natural attenuation at the Four Ashes Research Site, UK. In In: S.F. Thornton & S.E. Oswald (eds), Groundwater Quality: natural and enhanced restoration of groundwater pollution. IAHS publ. 275, 91Ö±²¥, UK, pp. 479-484. ISSN 0144-7815
  • Pickup, R.W., Mallinson, H.E.H., Rhodes, G., Alamillo, M.L., Thornton, S.F. and Lerner, D.N. (2002) A phenol-contaminated groundwater site : a microbiological perspective. In S.F. Thornton & S.E. Oswald (eds), Groundwater Quality: natural and enhanced restoration of groundwater pollution. IAHS publ. 275, 91Ö±²¥, pp. 251-256. ISSN 0144-7815
  • Watson, I.A., Oswald, S.E. and Banwart, S.A. (2002) Conceptual complexity of numerical modelling of degradation in groundwater. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Falconer R.A., Lin B., Harris E.L., Wilson C.A. (eds)., July 1-5, Cardiff, pp. 537-542. ISSN 1-84339-022-1
  • Watson, I.A., Oswald, S.E. and Banwart, S.A. (2002) Modelling natural attenuation of phenol degradation in groundwater. In XIVth International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Vol. 1. Developments in Water Science Series, Edition 47, Elsevier, Delft., June 23-28, Delft, pp. 827-834. ISSN 0167-5648
  • Wealthall, G.P., Thornton, S.F. and Lerner, D.N. (2002) Assessing the fate and transport of MTBEamended petroleum hydrocarbons in the UK Chalk aquifer. In Groundwater Quality: natural and enhanced restoration of groundwater pollution. S.F. Thornton & S.E. Oswald (eds), IAHS publication 275, 91Ö±²¥, UK, pp. 205-211. ISSN 0144-7815
  • Wu, Y., Banwart, S.A., Lerner, D.N. and Thornton, S.F. (2002) Microbial production of fatty acids in phenol-contaminated groundwater and its significance in subsurface Bioremediation. In Groundwater Quality: natural and enhanced restoration of groundwater pollution. S.F. Thornton & S.E. Oswald (eds), IAHS publication 275, 91Ö±²¥, UK, pp. 219-224. ISSN 0144-7815
  • Younger, P.L. and Banwart, S.A. (2002) Time-scale issues in the remediation of pervasively contaminated groundwaters at abandoned mine sites. In Groundwater Quality: Natural and Enhanced Restoration of Groundwater Pollution, IAHS Special Publication No. 275, 91Ö±²¥, pp. 585-591. ISSN 0144-7815.
  • Lerner, D.N. & Thornton, S.F. (2001). Natural attenuation of high loadings of phenolic pollutants in a sandstone aquifer. J. Weber et al. (eds), Biogeochemical processes and cycling of elements in the environment, Polish Society of Humic Substances, Wroclaw, 89-90. ISBN 83-906403-5-X. (Proc. ISEB 15, Wroclaw, Poland, Sept. 2001).
  • D.N. Lerner and A. Steele (2001). In situ measurement of fracture apertures using NAPL injection. Conference Proceedings of Fractured Rock 2001, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Edited by Kueper, B.H., Novakowski, K.S. and Reynolds, D.A.
  • G P. Wealthall, B.H. Kueper and D.N. Lerner (2001). Fractured rock-mass characterisation for predicting the fate of DNAPLS. Conference Proceedings of Fractured Rock 2001, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Edited by Kueper, B.H., Novakowski, K.S. and Reynolds, D.A.
  • J.M. Pearce E. Hough, G.M. Williams, G.P. Wealthall, J.H. Tellam and A. Herbert (2001). Sediment filled fractures in Triassic Sandstones - Pathways or barriers to contaminant migration? Conference Proceedings of Fractured Rock 2001, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Edited by Kueper, B.H., Novakowski, K.S. and Reynolds, D.A.
  • S.E. Oswald (2001). Numerical modelling of saltwater plume movement in a fractured aquifer on sub-regional scale. Conference Proceedings of Fractured Rock 2001, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Edited by Kueper, B.H., Novakowski, K.S. and Reynolds, D.A.
  • Lerner, D.N., Thornton, S.F. & Davison, R.D. (2000) The use of monitored natural attenuation as a cost-effective technique for groundwater restoration. In Groundwater: Past Achievements and Future Challenges, Proc 30th IAH Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 26 Nov-1 Dec (eds Sililo, O. et al), Balkema, Rotterdam, 41-47.
  • Taylor, R.G., Barrett, M.H., Baines, O.P., Trowsdale, S.A., Lerner, D.N. & Thornton, S.F. (2000). Depth variations in aquifer hydrochemistry using a low-cost multilevel piezometer. In Groundwater: Past Achievements and Future Challenges, Proc.30th IAH Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 26 Nov-1 Dec (eds Sililo, O. et al), Balkema, Rotterdam, 651-654.
  • Thornton, S.F., Davison, R.M., Lerner, D.N. & Banwart, S.A. (1998). Electron balances in field studies of intrinsic bioremediation. In : GQ98: Groundwater quality: Remediation and Protection, Tübingen, Germany, Sept 1998. IAHS Publ. No. 250, 273-282.

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Books and invited chapters

  • Tomlinson, D.W., Thornton, S.F., Thomas, A. O., Leharne, S. A. & Wealthall, G.P. (2014). An illustrated handbook of LNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface (Editor: Rivett, M.O), published by CL:AIRE (FREE download from, pp 105. ISBN 978-1-905046-24-9
  • Cai, Z., Thornton, S.F. & Lerner, D.N. (2013) Groundwater Monitoring and Assessment. Encylcopedia of Environmetrics, 2nd Edition, (eds, El-Shaarawi, A.H. & Piegorsch, W.W.), J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, p. 1226-1234. DOI 10.1002/
  • Banwart, S.A. & Thornton, S.F. (2010). Natural attenuation of hydrocarbons in groundwater. Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology. Timmis, K.N. (ed.), Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2474-2486
  • Catney, P. Lerner, D.N. Dixon, T. Raco, M. (2007). Is Brown the New Green? In : Sustainable Brownfield Regeneration: Liveable Places From Problem Spaces, edited by Dixon, T. Raco, M. Catney, P. and Lerner, D.N. pp. 352-372.
  • Wilson, R.D., Thornton, S.F. & Lerner, D.N. (2007). Forecasting natural attenuation as a risk-based groundwater remediation strategy Groundwater Science and Policy. Quevauviller, P. (ed), Royal Society of Chemistry, Ch. 7.2, p. 421-453. ISBN 0 85404 294 6.
  • Banwart, S.A. & Thornton, S.F. (2003). The geochemistry and hydrology of groundwater bioremediation by natural attenuation. Bioremediation: A Critical Review. Head, I & Singleton (eds). Horizon Scientific Press, p. 93-138.
  • Kueper, B.H., Wealthall, G.P., Smith, J.W.N., Leharne, S.A. & Lerner, D.N. (2003) An Illustrated Handbook of DNAPL Transport and Fate in the Subsurface. Environment Agency R&D Publication 133.
  • Lerner, D.N. (ed) (2003) Urban groundwater pollution. A.A. Balkema Publishers, The Netherlands. 299 pages. ISBN 90 580 9629 7.
  • Banwart, S.A., Evans, K.A. and Croxford, S.J. (2002) Mine Water Hydrogeology and Geochemistry. Special Publication 198, Predicting mineral weathering rates at field scale for mine water risk assessment. The Geological Society, London, pp. 137-157. ISBN 1-86239-113-0
  • Burke, S., Banwart, S.A., Jarvis, A., Engand, A. and Younger, P.l. (2002) Mine Water Treatment: A Decade of Progress, C. Nuttall (Ed.), Up-scaling of oxidation and accretion reactors: engineering and economic considerations. HERO, University of Newcastle, pp. 84-92. ISBN 0-9543827-0-6
  • Hiscock, K.M., Rivett, M.O. and Davison, R.M.(2002) Sustainable groundwater development, Special Publication 193. Geological Society. ISBN 1-86239-097-5
  • Thornton, S.F., Lerner, D.N. and Davison, R.M. (2002) Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, Groundwater Monitoring Volume 2 (Edited by Abdel H. El-Shaarawi and Walter W. Piegorsch). J. Wiley & Sons, pp. 960-974. ISBN 0471899976
  • Thornton, S.F. and Oswald, S.O. (eds) (2002) GQ2001: Natural and Enhanced Restoration of
  • Groundwater Pollution. IAHS Publication No. 275, pp. 3-604. ISBN 01447815
  • Younger, P.L., Banwart, S.A. and Hedin, R.S. (2002) Mine Water, hydrology, pollution, remediation. Kluwer, Environmental Pollution (Volume 5). pp. 1-442. ISBN 1-4020-0137-1
  • B. Adams, I. Gale, P. Younger, D.N. Lerner and J. Chilton (2000). Groundwater. Chapter 7 in: M. Acreman(ed.), The hydrology of the UK. Routledge, London, 336 pages.
  • S.F. Thornton, M.I. Bright, D.N. Lerner & J.H. Tellam (1999). The geochemical engineering of landfill liners for active containment. In R. Metcalfe and C.A. Rochelle (eds.), Chemical containment of waste in the geosphere, Geological Society Special Publication 157, ISBN 1-86239-040-1.
  • Y. Yang, D.N. Lerner, N.H. Copperthwaite and M.H. Barrett (1999). Assessing the impact of Nottingham on groundwater using GIS. In: J. Chilton (ed.), Groundwater in the urban environment - Selected city profiles. Balkema, Rotterdam, 281-287.
  • D.N. Lerner (1999). Scientific aspects of pollution. In: D.E. Alexander & R.W. Fairbridge (eds), Encyclopedia of Environmental Science. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 485-489.
  • Banwart S., Wikberg P. and Puigdomenech I. (1999). Protecting the redox stability of a deep repository: concepts, results and experience from the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory. In Chemical Containment of Wastes in the Geosphere, R. Metcalfe (Ed.). Geological Society, London, Special Publications,157,85-99.The Geological Society of London.
  • D N Lerner and N R G Walton (eds) (1998). Contaminated land and groundwater: future directions. Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publication 14.
  • R.J. Andrews, J.W. Lloyd and D.N. Lerner (1998). Sludge sewage disposal to agriculture in the UK and other options. . In: J. Mather, D. Banks, S. Dumpleton & M. Fermor (eds.), Groundwater contaminants and their migration. Geological Society, London, Special Publication 128, 63-74.
  • P.K. Bishop, D.N. Lerner and M. Stuart (1998). Investigations of point source pollution by chlorinated solvents in two different geologies: a multi-layered Carboniferous sandstone-mudstone sequence and the Chalk. In: J. Mather, D. Banks, S. Dumpleton & M. Fermor (eds.), Groundwater contaminants and their migration. Geological Society, London, Special Publication 128, 229-252.
  • D.N. Lerner (1997). Groundwater recharge. Chapter 4 in: O.M. Saether & P de Caritat (eds.), Geochemical processes, weathering and groundwater recharge in catchments, Balkema, Rotterdam, 109-150.
  • D.N. Lerner (1997). Conceptual models of consolidated sedimentary aquifers. Chapter 8 in: C.H. Ward, J.A. Cherry & M.R. Scalf (eds) Subsurface Restoration, Ann Arbor Press, Michigan, 125-133. ISBN 1 575040603.
  • D.N. Lerner (1995). Chlorinated solvent pollution of an industrialised urban area: summary of findings and implications for groundwater protection and clean up. Ch. 19 in: H. Nash & J. McCall (eds.), Groundwater Quality, Chapman & Hall, 185-190.
  • D.N. Lerner and J.H. Tellam (1992). Protection of urban groundwater. Water and the Environment, Ellis Horwood.
  • D.N. Lerner, A. Issar & I. Simmers (1990). Groundwater recharge; a guide to understanding and estimating natural recharge. International Contributions to Hydrogeology vol. 8. Heise, Hannover, FRG. 345 pages.
  • D.N. Lerner (1990). Groundwater recharge in urban areas. In: H. Massing et al. (eds.), Hydrological processes and water management in urban areas, IAHS publ. 198.
  • D.N. Lerner (ed.) (1986). Monitoring to detect changes in water quality series. Proc. Budapest symposium, IAHS publication 157.
  • D.N. Lerner (1985). Are groundwater models misleading? In: H. Tebbutt (ed.), Advances in Water Engineering, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, London, pp. 124-128.

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Technical reports

  • Stupp, D., Gass, M., Leiteritz, H., Pijls, C., Thornton, S.F., Smith, J., Dunk, M., Grosjean, T. & den Haan K. (2012). Gasoline ether oxygenate occurrence in Europe, and a review of their fate and transport characteristics in the environment. CONCAWE Special Task Force on Groundwater (WQ/SFT-33), pp. 230. (
  • B.N. Chisala and D.N. Lerner (2008). Sewage risks to urban groundwater. Science Report SC030134, Environment Agency, Bristol. 36 pages. ISBN 978-1-84432-820-8
  • Banwart, S.A. Quantitative Visualisation of Biodegradation during Natural Attenuation of Organic Pollutants in Groundwater - BBSRC project E15832
  • Buss, S.R., Herbert, A.W., Morgan, P. & Thornton, S.F. (2004) Review of Ammonium Attenuation in Soil and Groundwater. NGWCLC Report NC/02/49. Envrironment Agency, Bristol. ISBN 184432 110 1.
  • Wealthall, G.P., Lerner, D.N. & Thornton, S. F. (2002). Predicting NAPL source zones in fractured rock. Special Session on Monitoring and Measurement, NATO CCMS Pilot Study: Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Technologies for the Treatment and Clean-up of Contaminated Land and Groundwater (Phase III), 5-10 May 2002, Rome, Italy. No. 256, pp. 23-35. U.S. EPA/542/R-02/011.
  • Merly, C. and Lerner, D.N. (2002) Remediation of Chlorinated Organic Contaminants in Fractured Aquifers using Zero-Valent Metal: Report on Laboratory Trials. Technical report P2-182/TR by the University of 91Ö±²¥. Environment Agency, Bristol. ISBN 1 85705 795 3.
  • Davison, R.M., Wealthall, G.P. and Lerner, D.N. (2002) Source treatment for dense non-aqueous liquids. R&D Technical report P5-051/TR/01 by Groundwater Protection and Restoration Consultants Ltd for Environment Agency, Bristol. ISBN 1 857054 830.
  • G.P. Wealthall, A. Steele, G. Harrold, N. Tait, S.A. Leharne and D.N. Lerner (2000). Understanding the threat to UK Permo-Triassic sanstone aquifers from dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs). Invited article for Underground (Newsletter, EA National Groundwater and Contaminated Land Centre). February.
  • D.N. Lerner (2000). Guidelines for estimating urban loads of nitrogen to groundwater. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, London.
  • Thornton, S.F., Banwart, S.A., Lerner, D.N., Pickup, R.W., Spence, M.J. and Williams, G.M. (1999). Field evidence of ineffective natural attenuation of phenolic compounds in a sandstone aquifer. NATO/CCMS Pilot Study on Contaminated Land and Groundwater (Phase III) Special Session: Monitored Natural Attenuation, No. 236, p.49-56. US EPA/542/R-99/008.
  • Puigdomenech I., Banwart S.A., Bateman K., Griffault L, Gustafsson E., Hama K., Kotelnikova S, Pedersen K., Lartigue J.-E., Michaud V., Morosini M., Rivas Perez J. and Tullborg E.-L.(1999). Redox Experiment in Detailed Scale (REX). First Project Status Report.International Cooperation Report ICR-99-01, ISSN 1104-3210. Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co., Stockholm.
  • Tellam, J.H., Thornton, S.F., Lerner, D.N., Kleinert, U.O. (1997). Leachate migration through the Triassic Sandstones at Burntstump landfill and elsewhere: Models to predict the attenuation of leachate from existing landfills, for evaluating risks following liner failure, and for designing attenuation liners. Environment Agency Report, 137 pages.

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Bulletins, newsletters and flyers

  • CL:AIRE (2015). Transport and fate of LNAPL in the subsurface. Guidance Bulletin GB4 (
  • CL:AIRE (2015). The plume fringe: a zone of increased potential for biodegradation in contaminant plumes. Advocate Technical Bulletin AB8 (
  • CL:AIRE (2014). Enhancing bioremediation of groundwater by microbial interaction with a solid state electrode: proof-of-concept. Advocate Technical Bulletin AB3 (
  • CL:AIRE (2011). Accounting for the groundwater-surface water interface in contaminated land assessments. Technical Bulletin TB15 (
  • CL:AIRE (2009). Modelling approaches for assessing risks associated with petroleum hydrocarbon spills in the UK Chalk aquifer. Research Bulletin RB8 (
  • CL:AIRE (2009). Parameterisation of aquifer hydraulic properties: A contaminant hydrogeology perspective Technical Bulletin TB4 (
  • CL:AIRE (2008). Principles and practice for the collection of representative groundwater samples. Technical Bulletin TB3 (
  • CL:AIRE (2007). The use of geophysical investigation techniques for the assessment of contaminated land and groundwater. Technical Bulletin TB5 (
  • CL:AIRE (2005). Management of a petroleum plume by monitored natural attenuation. Site Bulletin SB1, pp.4 (
  • CL:AIRE (2002). Site characterisation in support of MNA of fuel hydrocarbons and MTBE in a Chalk aquifer in southern England. Case Study Bulletin CSB1 (
  • CL:AIRE (2002). Multilevel sampling systems. Technical Bulletin TB2 (
  • CL:AIRE (2002). Introduction to an integrated approach to the investigation of fractured rock aquifers contaminated with non-aqueous phase liquids. Technical Bulletin TB1 (
  • G.P. Wealthall, A. Steele, G. Harrold, N. Tait, S.A. Leharne and D.N. Lerner (2000). Understanding the threat to UK Permo-Triassic sanstone aquifers from dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs). Invited article for Underground (Newsletter, EA National Groundwater and Contaminated Land Centre). February.

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