St David's Day launch of the Welsh version of the Message to Dentist

It's normal for children to feel a bit nervous about a trip to the dentist. Researchers in paediatric dentistry and psychology have developed a ‘message to dentist’ form to help children share their likes and dislikes with dental professionals.

A collection of guides for families.

This ‘message to dentist’ form has now been translated into Welsh to make it easier for children in Wales to talk to their dentists and make their experience of going to the dentist easier.

The Welsh version of the ‘message to dentist’ is available here.

Dr David Johnson (Dave The Dentist), said “this is a really great tool to use with anxious children in the dental surgery; I am so glad that we are now able to offer this to children in Wales in both English and Cymraeg.”

Professor Zoe Marshman from the School of Clinical Dentistry in 91ֱ said “The ‘message to dentist’ has already helped children in the UK and worldwide with dental anxiety feel less worried and better able to cope with dental treatment. We are delighted it has been translated into Welsh to help children in Wales communicate more easily and address their fears”.

Mae’r arferol i blant boeni tipyn bach am fynd at y deintydd. Mae ymchwilwyr yn y maes deintyddiaeth a seicoleg bediatrig wedi datblygu ffurflen ‘neges i’r deintydd’ er mwyn helpu plant i rannu beth maen nhw’n ei hoffi a’i beidio gyda deintyddion.

Erbyn hyn, mae’r ffurflen ‘neges i’r deintydd’ wedi cael ei chyfieithu i’r Gymraeg er mwyn ei gwneud hi’n haws i blant yng Nghymru fynd at y deintydd a siarad â’u deintyddion.

Mae’r fersiwn Gymraeg o’r ‘neges i’r deintydd’ i’w gweld ar:


Meddai Dr David Johnson (Dave y Deintydd), “Dyma adnodd gwych i’w ddefnyddio gyda phlant pryderus yn y ddeintyddfa. Rydw i mor falch bod modd i ni gynnig hyn i blant yng Nghymru yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg.”

Meddai’r Athro Zoe Marshman o’r Ysgol Ddeintyddiaeth Glinigol yn 91ֱ, “Mae’r ‘neges i’r deintydd’ eisoes wedi helpu plant yn y DU a ledled y byd sy’n poeni am fynd at y deintydd i ymdopi’n well gyda thriniaeth ddeintyddol. Rydyn ni’n falch iawn bod hyn wedi’i gyfieithu i’r Gymraeg er mwyn helpu plant yng Nghymru i gyfathrebu’n haws a thynnu sylw at eu hofnau”.

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