Research and innovation
Our world-leading research community is working to solve pressing global challenges: food security, disease, health and medicine, ageing, energy, and mitigating the biodiversity crisis. We're proud to have come fourth in the UK in the REF 2021 in terms of the quality of our research.
Latest research
PhD opportunities
Students come from all over the world to study for their PhD in one of our world-class research groups.
Externally Funded Research Fellowships
Our support for externally funded Research Fellowships is designed to establish you as a research leader in an ambitious, vibrant and supportive environment.
Seminar series
Our seminar series represents the wide range of research interests within the school and are presented by experts in particular areas.
Research ethics
In every discipline undertaking excellent research requires rigour, respect and responsibility - integrity as well as intellect.
Faculty of Science strategic themes
We have four strategic themes, from the fundamental to translational, drawn from our rich history, our skills and experience, and are framed around our critical mass of excellent research.
Contact us
Find contact details for research staff across the School of Biosciences.