Featured publications
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Featured publications
Journal articles
- Hemmings N & Birkhead TR (2020) . The Auk.
- Cooney CR, Sheard C, Clark AD, Healy SD, Liker A, Street S, Troisi CA, Szekely T, Thomas GH, Hemmings N & Wright A (2020) . Nature Communications, 11.
- Hemmings N & Evans S (2020) . Biology Letters, 16(1).
- Mendonca T, Cadby AJ & Hemmings N (2019) . Biophysical Journal, 117(11), 2180-2187.
- Kinsella CM, Ruiz-Ruano FJ, Dion-Côté A-M, Charles AJ, Gossmann TI, Cabrero J, Kappei D, Hemmings N, Simons MJP, Camacho JPM , Forstmeier W et al (2019) . Nature Communications, 10(1).
- Mendonca T, Birkhead TR, Cadby AJ, Forstmeier W & Hemmings N (2018) . Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285(1883), 20180865-20180865.
- Hemmings N & Birkhead T (2017) . Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284(1860).
- Kim K-W, Bennison C, Hemmings N, Brookes L, Hurley LL, Griffith SC, Burke T, Birkhead TR & Slate J (2017) . Nature Ecology and Evolution, 1, 1168-1176.
- Schilthuizen M, Langelaan R, Hemmings N, van Oostenbrugge W & Visser S (2017) . Contributions to Zoology, 86(4), 297-302.
- Bennison C, Hemmings N, Brookes L, Slate J & Birkhead T (2016) . Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283(1837).
- Hemmings N, Bennison C & Birkhead TR (2016) . Biol Lett, 12(6).
- Hemmings N & Birkhead TR (2015) . Ibis, 158(1), 43-50.
- Hemmings N & Birkhead TR (2015) . Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282(1818), 20151682-20151682.
- Bennison C, Hemmings N, Slate J & Birkhead T (2015) . Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282(1799).
- Hemmings N, Birkhead TR, Brillard JP, Froment P & Briere S (2015) . Theriogenology, 83(7), 1174-1178.e1.
- Hemmings N, West M & Birkhead TR (2012) . Biol Lett, 8(6), 964-967.
- Hemmings NL, Slate J & Birkhead TR (2012) . Nat Commun, 3, 863.
- Birkhead TR, Hemmings N, Spottiswoode CN, Mikulica O, Moskát C, Bán M & Schulze-Hagen K (2011) . Proc Biol Sci, 278(1708), 1019-1024.
- Birkhead TR, Hall J, Schut E & Hemmings N (2008) Unhatched eggs: methods for discriminating between infertility and early embryo mortality. IBIS, 150(3), 508-517.
- Schut E, Hemmings N & Birkhead TR (2008) Parthenogenesis in a passerine bird, the Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata. IBIS, 150(1), 197-199.
- Mendonca T, Cadby AJ & Hemmings N () .
All publications
Journal articles
- Lavigne A, Bullock R, Shah NJ, Tagg C, Zora A & Hemmings N (2024) . Animal Conservation.
- Assersohn K, Richards JP & Hemmings N (2024) . Ecology and Evolution, 14(6).
- Assersohn K, Morton O, Slate J & Hemmings N (2024) . Proc Biol Sci, 291(2019), 20232796.
- Morland F, Ewen JG, Simons MJP, Brekke P & Hemmings N (2023) . Molecular Ecology.
- Marshall AF, Balloux F, Hemmings N & Brekke P (2023) . Biological Reviews.
- Montgomerie R, Hemmings N, Thompson JE & Birkhead TR (2021) . The American Naturalist, 198(6), E215-E231.
- Savage J, Crane JMS & Hemmings N (2021) . Animal Conservation.
- Mendonca T, Birkhead TR, Cadby AJ, Forstmeier W & Hemmings N (2021) . Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288(1958), 20211695-20211695.
- Assersohn K, Brekke P & Hemmings N (2021) . Royal Society Open Science, 8(7), 202274-202274.
- Assersohn K, Marshall AF, Morland F, Brekke P & Hemmings N (2021) . Animal Conservation.
- Hemmings N & Birkhead TR (2020) . The Auk.
- Cooney CR, Sheard C, Clark AD, Healy SD, Liker A, Street S, Troisi CA, Szekely T, Thomas GH, Hemmings N & Wright A (2020) . Nature Communications, 11.
- Webb JL, Crawley JAH, Seltmann MW, Liehrmann O, Hemmings N, Nyein UK, Aung HH, Htut W, Lummaa V & Lahdenperä M (2020) . Animals, 10(1).
- Hemmings N & Evans S (2020) . Biology Letters, 16(1).
- Mendonca T, Cadby AJ & Hemmings N (2019) . Biophysical Journal, 117(11), 2180-2187.
- Kinsella CM, Ruiz-Ruano FJ, Dion-Côté A-M, Charles AJ, Gossmann TI, Cabrero J, Kappei D, Hemmings N, Simons MJP, Camacho JPM , Forstmeier W et al (2019) . Nature Communications, 10(1).
- Jackson D, Thompson J, Hemmings N & Birkhead T (2018) . Journal of Experimental Biology.
- Mendonca T, Birkhead TR, Cadby AJ, Forstmeier W & Hemmings N (2018) . Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285(1883), 20180865-20180865.
- Hemmings N, Bennison C & Birkhead TR (2018) . Biology Letters, 14(2), 20180004-20180004.
- Hemmings N & Birkhead T (2017) . Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284(1860).
- Kim K-W, Bennison C, Hemmings N, Brookes L, Hurley LL, Griffith SC, Burke T, Birkhead TR & Slate J (2017) . Nature Ecology and Evolution, 1, 1168-1176.
- Schilthuizen M, Langelaan R, Hemmings N, van Oostenbrugge W & Visser S (2017) . Contributions to Zoology, 86(4), 297-302.
- Bennison C, Hemmings N, Brookes L, Slate J & Birkhead T (2016) . Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283(1837).
- Hemmings N, Bennison C & Birkhead TR (2016) . Biol Lett, 12(6).
- Hemmings N & Birkhead TR (2015) . Ibis, 158(1), 43-50.
- Hemmings N & Birkhead TR (2015) . Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282(1818), 20151682-20151682.
- Hemmings N (2015) The sperms marathon route to conception. Biologist, 62(4), 18-21.
- Bennison C, Hemmings N, Slate J & Birkhead T (2015) . Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282(1799).
- Hemmings N, Birkhead TR, Brillard JP, Froment P & Briere S (2015) . Theriogenology, 83(7), 1174-1178.e1.
- Hemmings N, West M & Birkhead TR (2012) . Biol Lett, 8(6), 964-967.
- Hemmings NL, Slate J & Birkhead TR (2012) . Nat Commun, 3, 863.
- Birkhead TR, Hemmings N, Spottiswoode CN, Mikulica O, Moskát C, Bán M & Schulze-Hagen K (2011) . Proc Biol Sci, 278(1708), 1019-1024.
- Birkhead TR, Hall J, Schut E & Hemmings N (2008) Unhatched eggs: methods for discriminating between infertility and early embryo mortality. IBIS, 150(3), 508-517.
- Schut E, Hemmings N & Birkhead TR (2008) Parthenogenesis in a passerine bird, the Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata. IBIS, 150(1), 197-199.
- Mason C, Tschirren B & Hemmings N () . Journal of Evolutionary Biology.
- Hemmings N & Morland F () Demographic Drivers of Reproductive Failure in a Threatened Bird: Insights from a Decade of Data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
- Morland F, Patel S, Santure AW, Brekke P & Hemmings N () . Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
- Morland F, Patel S, Santure AW, Brekke P & Hemmings N (2023) , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Lavigne AM, Bullock R, Shah NJ, Tagg C, Zora A & Hemmings N (2023) , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Savage JL, Crane JMS & Hemmings N () , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Cooney CR, Sheard C, Clark AD, Healy SD, Liker A, Street SE, Troisi CA, Thomas GH, Székely T, Hemmings N & Wright AE () , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
- Mendonca T, Cadby AJ & Hemmings N () .
- Kinsella CM, Ruiz-Ruano FJ, Dion-Côté A-M, Charles AJ, Gossmann TI, Cabrero J, Kappei D, Hemmings N, Simons MJP, Camacho JPM , Forstmeier W et al () , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.