The Urban Convocation
The Urban Convocation is a collective process of dialogue among 25+ researchers located in 20 urban labs, active in multiple and markedly different contexts.
Each lab focuses on the emerging implications of current conditions for research design, understanding their local contexts and assessing the potential changes in priorities.
Our motivation as a collective is to work through how Covid-19 might interweave, disrupt and reshape existing research methods and priorities through a modest and exploratory process of reflection and comparison of diverse experimental responses spanning different contexts.
Initially the Convocation collectively identified three themes of immediate significance:
- The need to improvise and experiment with revised and modified approaches to researching our respective urban contexts.
- To develop a sensitivity to understanding the specific socio-material context as structured by the roll-out of the pandemic.
- To provide essential life support particularly where existing informal structures have broken down.
The convocation has been meeting monthly and has become a space for solidarity, friendship, provocation and mobilisation. It has provided a space to curate collaborative reflections, generate new lines of critical inquiries, share practical actions and support a collective effort to build solidarity across the global research community.
Nausheen Anwar, Karachi Urban Lab
Gautam Bhan, Indian Institute for Human Settlements
Julie-Anne Boudreau, Instituto de Geografia, UNAM
Mariana Calvacanti, Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro
Rodrigo Castriota, Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais
Belen Desmaison, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Juan Du, Hong Kong University (now University of Toronto)
Veronica Gago, #NiUnaMenos; Universidad de Buenos Aires
Graeme Gotz, Gauteng City-Region Observatory
Prince Guma, British Institute of East Africa
Mona al Harb, Beirut Urban Lab
Marco Kusumawijaya, Rujak Centre for Urban Studies
Taibat Lawanson, University of Lagos
Anant Maringanti, Hyderabad Urban Lab
Simon Marvin, Urban Institute, University of 91Ö±²¥
Nihal Perera, Ball State University
Beth Perry, Urban Institute, University of 91Ö±²¥
Edgar Pieterse, African Centre for Cities, U Cape Town
Martina Reicker, American University of Cairo
Prasad Shetty, School of Environment and Architecture
AbdouMaliq Simone, Urban Institute, University of 91Ö±²¥
Elisa Sutanadjaja, Rujak Center for Urban Studies
Jean-Charles Tall, College universitaire d'architecture de Dakar
Pelin Tan, Artuklu University, Bard College
Tau Tavengwa, Cityscapes Magazine
Alan Wiig, University of Massachusetts Boston