University Executive Board minutes - 26 October 2021



26 October 2021


Professor K Lamberts (KL) (in the Chair), Professor J Derrick (JD), Professor S Fitzmaurice (SF), Professor S Hartley (SH), J Jones (JJ), Professor J Litster (JL), Professor D Petley (DNP), R Sykes (RS), Professor G Valentine (GV), Professor M Vincent (MV)

In attendance:

T Wray (TW), L Carlile (LC), L McCarthy (LM) (Item 1), R Gower (RG) (Item 2), N Button (NB) (Item 5), E Croxford (EC), S Hanson (SH), A Matanda Mambingo (AMM), M McArthur (MM), C McGinley (CM), T Ogle (TO), S Tulloch (ST) (Item 7)


Professor C Newman (CN), Dr T Strike (TS), Professor C Watkins (CW), I Wright (IW)


Dr E Smith (ES)

  1. Student Recruitment Update

    • (Liz Carlile and Louise McCarthy in attendance for this item)

    • UEB received and noted an update on the University’s performance to date in the 2022/23 student recruitment cycle, based on the latest set of data from 15 October. The overall position across student groups was encouraging, although the PGT and PGR application cycles were still at a formative stage.

    • During discussion, UEB noted and commended the range of activities that were being staged in support of the University’s recruitment efforts, including on-campus and virtual Open Days. In addition, the impact of the current position on the University’s financial status was noted.

  2. Closed Minute and Paper

  3. Report of the Strategic Advisory Group – Student Numbers and Fees

    • (Meeting Held on 23 September 2021)

    • UEB considered and approved the report, including the following:

      • The proposed reconfiguration of SAG SNF’s Terms of Reference and Membership to become the UEB Strategic Advisory Group – Student Recruitment and Population (SAG SRP), with the reconfigured Sub-Group to meet for the first time on 4 November.
      • The recommendations set out in the related paper for Home Scholarships for 2022/23 entry.
      • The recommendations detailed in the related paper for International Merit Scholarships for 2022/23 entry.
    • During discussion, UEB noted that SAG SRP intended to establish a Task and Finish Group. An update would be provided in the next Report of the SAG SRP.
  4. Coronavirus Update

    • It was noted that the national policy position was stable at present.
  5. Armed Forces Covenant

    • (Nick Button in attendance for this item)
    • UEB considered a proposal for the University to adopt the Armed Forces Covenant and to consider adopting additional principles relevant to the University context. The related paper outlined the requirements that would come into effect should UEB endorse the adoption of the Covenant, together with possible changes pursuant to the Covenant implementation and a series of recommended next steps.
    • During discussion, UEB noted the broader status of the Covenant in the public sector context, including the fact that most local authorities were adopters, and recognised the value of support from the Students’ Union on the University’s implementation of the Covenant.
    • UEB agreed:
      • To pursue adoption in principle of the Armed Forces Covenant on behalf of the University, which would involve upholding the principles set out in the related paper.
      • That the MEC and Students’ Union were consulted about, and Human Resources, Corporate Communications, and the Careers Service involved in action planning to make the necessary changes pursuant to meeting the Covenant commitments.
      • That Council would be asked to approve the signing of the Covenant.
      • That a dedicated website be launched in due course.
  6. Students’ Union Officers’ Goals for 2021/22

    • UEB received a presentation from the seven full-time Students’ Union (SU) Sabbatical Officers, which detailed their collective and individual objectives for 2021/22. Attention was drawn to the team’s overall focus on continuing to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on students; promoting an inclusive campus; sustainability; physical and mental wellbeing; and ensuring that the SU was accessible and attractive to all students. Each of the individual full-time SU Officers presented their specific objectives and priorities for the year, in the context of the team’s chief areas of focus, and including details on how these would be achieved and existing actions that were in train.
    • UEB welcomed the level of ambition shown, and the number of areas that aligned with the University Vision and Strategy, with particular regard to the One University strategic pillar, alongside alignment with other high-profile institutional priorities, including the respective agendas of the Sustainability Steering Group and Race Equality Steering Group. This provided a coherent context within which both the University and SU could consider actions to meet the anticipated challenges during 2021/22 and beyond, and thought would be given to possible partnership opportunities.

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