University Executive Board minutes - 22 February 2022



22 February 2022


Professor K Lamberts (KL) (in the Chair), Professor J Derrick (JD), Professor S Fitzmaurice (SF), Professor S Hartley (SH), J Jones (JJ), Professor D Petley (DNP), R Sykes (RS), Professor G Valentine (GV), Professor M Vincent (MV), Professor C Watkins (CW)

In attendance:

Dr T Strike (TS), I Wright (IW), T Wray (TW), K Attwood (KA), Professor M Marshall (MM) (Item 3)


Professor J Litster (JL), Professor C Newman (CN)


Dr E Smith (ES)

  1. Minutes of UEB Held on 30 November 2021

    • The Minutes were accepted as an accurate record.

  2. Minutes of UEB Held on 14 December 2021

    • The Minutes were accepted as an accurate record.

  3. Digital Education Update

    • (Katie Attwood and Professor Matthew Marshall in attendance for this item)

    • UEB considered an update on the Digital Education component of the Education Strategic Pillar. The related paper outlined the work in progress on the Digital Education Strategy, the draft of which would be presented to UEB in due course; catalogued the achievements delivered in Semester 1 to date as measured against the delivery plans for the Technology Enabled Strategic Framework (TESF) Phase 3 Education roadmap; and made proposals related to the governance of Digital Education.

    • During discussion, UEB raised and/or noted the following points:

      • With respect to employability, the timeframe over which the two projects would be delivered would be clarified in the next phase of work.
      • In the broader sector context, including the UK Government’s expectations about providers delivering a preponderance of in-person teaching, there was confidence that the University’s digital priorities had strategic merit. Further thought would be required on the University’s longer-term plans for blended learning.
    • UEB:
      • Approved the creation of a TESF Project Board (Education), inclusive of all relevant stakeholders, which would report to UEB ITSG, as appropriate.
      • Approved the replacement of the Digital Education Management Board (DEMB) with a Digital Education Management Executive (DEME) comprising the DVPE (Infrastructure), Head of Education Product Management, and Head of Academic Practice & Skills Development, which would be tasked with local management of the Digital Education portfolio.
      • Approved the decision to focus the Digital Education Advisory Group (DEAG) as a stakeholder forum and expand the membership appropriately, with the Chair of DEAG reporting back via the Digital Education Project Board.
      • Endorsed the development of a strategy with respect to blended and online provision in the context of delivery, pedagogy, and market opportunities that the TESF Project Board (Education) would recommend to UEB for approval.
  4. Report of the UEB Sexual Violence and Harassment Group

    • (Meeting Held on 26 January 2022)
    • UEB received and noted the report. Attention was drawn to the following:
      • SVHSG’s endorsement of a RAG rating for each action itemised in the Action Plan to aid its oversight and management of its programme of work.
      • SVHSG’s agreement to develop a communications plan to engage the University’s staff and student populations and secure a consistent approach to messaging across Human Resources, Student Support Services, and the Faculties.
      • SVHSG’s agreement to explore an initial proposal to provide Sexual Violence Liaison Officer- (SVLO-) trained Faculty-based Welfare Officers, who would work alongside existing SVLO trained Faculty Wellbeing Advisors.
      • SVHSG’s intention to review the recommendations made in a recent University and College Union (UCU) report on Eradicating Sexual Violence in Tertiary Education in the context of existing and planned institutional activities.
    • During discussion, UEB commended the work of the SVHSG to date and noted its intention to accelerate the pace and scale of its work now that the Director of Student Support Services was embedded in their role.
  5. Report of the UEB IT Sub-Group

    • (Meeting Held on 2 February 2022)
    • The item was deferred.
  6. Closed Minute and Paper

  7. Round Table

    • Committee Meetings: UEB agreed that the USO should liaise with IT Services about the circulation of guidance to UEB Members regarding cyber security and privacy in relation to Google Calendars and meetings.
    • Office for Students: TS updated UEB on recent correspondence from the OfS.
    • Augar Review: TS reported on the UK Government’s expected response to the Post-18 Review of Education and Funding: Independent Panel Report (the Augar Review).
    • Council and UEB Appointments: TS confirmed the arrangements agreed by Council for senior Officer vacancies positions for 2022/23 and 2023/24, and noted that MV had been appointed as Vice-President for Education until the end of 2024.
    • Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Health: TS provided an update on arrangements for the position of Faculty Vice-President with effect from 2022/23.
    • COVID-19: In preparation for the UK Government’s relaxation of all remaining COVID-19 restrictions from 24 February, UEB discussed the guidance to staff with particular regard to testing and self-isolation.
    • Overseas Students: MV confirmed that an update would be provided at the next meeting of UEB-HoDs on communications with students about travelling to 91Ö±²¥ for Semester 2.

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