University Executive Board minutes - 19 October 2021



19 October 2021


Professor K Lamberts (KL) (in the Chair), Professor J Derrick (JD), Professor S Fitzmaurice (SF), Professor S Hartley (SH), J Jones (JJ), Professor J Lister (JL), Professor C Newman (CN), Professor D Petley (DNP), R Sykes (RS), Professor G Valentine (GV), Professor M Vincent (MV), Professor C Watkins (CW)

In attendance:

Dr T Strike (TS), Mr I Wright (IW), T Wray (TW), M Nolan (MN) (item 4), Dr R Rothman (RR) (item 5)




N Button (NB)

  1. Minutes of UEB Held on 3 November 2020

    • The minutes were approved as an accurate record.

  2. Minutes of UEB Held on 10 November 2020

    • The minutes were approved as an accurate record.

  3. Minutes of UEB held on 24 November 2020

    • The minutes were approved as an accurate record.

  4. Access and Participation Plan 2020-21 Update

    • (M Nolan in attendance for this item)

    • UEB considered an update to the Access and Participation Plan for 2020-21. Enhanced reporting had been suspended during the pandemic, but it was expected that the OfS would re-introduce more stringent requirements shortly.

    • During discussion, UEB raised the following points:

      • POLAR and IMD were currently tracking sufficiently well that changing the way the University’s measuring techniques was unnecessary at this point, although this could be kept under review as the practical implications and wider OfS agenda became clearer.
      • The Government was increasingly interested in graduate outcomes as the measure of widening participation rather than simply recruitment from previous under-represented groups.
    • UEB noted the changes to the OfS enhanced monitoring requirements and approved the recommendation to retain Black and Asian attainment targets as per the approved Access & Participation Plan. UEB also approved the recommendation to continue to use POLAR4 characteristics only for measuring progress in relation to ‘continuation’ for students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds and that separate IMD targets should not be set at this stage.
  5. Sustainability Strategy Review

    • (Dr R Rothman in attendance for this item)
    • UEB received an update on progress on the University’s sustainability work since the last update in June 2021. Attention was drawn to the forthcoming Russell Group Pro Vice Chancellors (Research) Away Day that would focus on sustainability action plans, the successful coverage of the milk churns initiative, and the ongoing activity relating to COP26. Corporate Communications was working closely with attendees to maximise their media impact and creating profiles for the website.
    • UEB noted the update and agreed an objective, owned by the Sustainability Steering Group and coordinated with Planning, Projects, and Business Intelligence, to measure the University’s progress.
  6. Report of the UEB Information Management & Security Group

    • UEB received and approved the report. Attention was drawn to the issues requiring UEB attention, including mandatory training compliance and the use of work email for personal matters.
    • UEB approved an update to UEB IM&SG’s Terms of Reference and membership; noted the IM&SG’s support for the proposed changes to the process of training compliance; and noted IM&SG’s support for proposed changes to the acceptable usage of University accounts, whilst supporting the general direction of travel and approving a process of open engagement with staff that communicated the risks.
  7. Coronavirus Update

    • General Update
      • No update given.
    • Update from the Major Incident Group
      • RS updated UEB on discussions about the continuation of the Incident Management Team and communications highlighting the need for people to report their negative Covid tests. UEB also noted the problems with the availability of Lateral Flow Tests locally.
    • FVP Update
      • No update given.
  8. Round Table

    • Apprenticeship awards: DP informed UEB that the Apprentice of the Year awards would be held on 10 December and invited members of UEB to attend if they were able.
    • Health collaboration: KL informed UEB on a letter from Greg Fell inviting participation in the NHR Health Research Collaboration bid.
    • Pay: IW informed UEB that the settlement email on pay negotiations had been sent out, with a further piece on Trade Unions discussions scheduled for that afternoon.
    • Timetabling: MV informed UEB on ongoing discussions about ventilation and CO2 monitors in teaching spaces, and the capacity of study spaces.
    • EDI: GV requested a UEB member act as Champion for the Disability Action Plan that was being discussed by EDIC. CN volunteered to do so.
    • Funding bids: SF and CN informed UEB of several successful funding bids that had recently been completed, but were currently under embargo. Further details would be sent out more widely shortly.
    • Richard Mayson: TS informed UEB of Richard Mayson’s intention to step back as Pro-Chancellor. UEB thanked him for his long-standing contribution to the University.
    • Insigneo: CN informed UEB that Professor Jim Wild had been the appointed Executive Director of the Insigneo Institute, following a period as Interim Executive Director.

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