University Executive Board minutes - 16 November 2021



16 November 2021


Professor K Lamberts (KL) (in the Chair), Professor J Derrick (JD), Professor S Hartley (SH), J Jones (JJ), Professor C Newman (CN ), Professor D Petley (DNP), R Sykes (RS), Professor G Valentine (GV), Professor M Vincent (MV), Professor C Watkins (CW)

In attendance:

Dr T Strike (TS), T Wray (TW), I Wright (IW), D Barcroft (DB) and C Hamilton (CH) (item 2), A Carlile (AC) (item 3), R Gower (RG) (item 4), H Barlow (HB) (item 7)


Professor S Fitzmaurice (SF), Professor J Litster (JL)


D Swinn (DS)

  1. Minutes of UEB held on 21 September 2021

    • The Minutes were approved as an accurate record.

  2. Closed Minute and Paper

  3. Closed Minute and Paper

  4. Review of Academic Promotion Appeals

    • (RG in attendance for this item)

    • UEB considered proposed revised procedures and supporting documents for academic promotion appeals, which were intended to be implemented in the current 2020-2021 promotions round. These proposals resulted from the work of a Task and Finish Group, which had included representation from HR and each of the campus Trade Unions and was established to review the academic promotion appeals process in response to matters raised by FVPs and campus Trade Unions.

    • UEB welcomed the proposals and thanked JD for his work in chairing the Task and Finish Group. Clarification was provided that the appeal submission form would contain the requisite guidance on what constituted grounds for appeal and how these might be presented, to avoid confusion and ensure objectivity.

    • Following discussion, UEB approved the proposed approaches for considering appeals for promotion to Lecturer and Senior Lecturer, and a separate process for appeals for promotion to Professor, as set out in the related paper. However, the process for Chairs/Professors would not be introduced until 2022, due to timing constraints. UEB also approved the position outlined with regard to appeals against self-submission cases as stated in the paper - maintaining the current position that a self-submission is itself an appeal, and therefore no further right of appeal should be provided.

  5. Closed Minute and Paper

  6. Budget approach for 2022-23 and forecasting approach to 2026-27

    • UEB discussed and approved proposals relating to budget setting for 2022-23 and the financial forecasting process to 2026-27, as set out in the related paper. The proposed approach sought to better align budget setting and resource allocation to the University Vision and departmental planning framework and annual planning process.

  7. Closed Minute and Paper

  8. Round Table

    • Dr Mary Hart, Mathematics: KL reported that Dr Hart would be retiring from the University at the end of 2021 after sixty years’ service. UEB offered thanks and agreed that KL should write a letter of thanks to mark her retirement.

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