University Executive Board minutes - 9 May 2023



9 May 2023


Professor G Valentine (GV) (in the Chair), Professor A Blom (AB), Professor S Fitzmaurice (SF), J Jones (JJ), R Sykes (RS), Professor G Valentine (GV), Professor M Vincent (MV), Professor C Watkins (CW), I Wright (IW)

In attendance:

J Strachan (JS), T Wray (TW), Professor J Flint (JF) (Item 1)


Professor J Derrick (JD), Professor K Lamberts (KL)


K Sullivan

  1. Research Culture Steering Board Report

    • (JF in attendance for this item)
    • UEB received and noted an update on the current and recent activities of the Research Culture Steering Board, which had been established to coordinate and oversee the development of an excellent research culture at the University. Attention was drawn to the underpinning principles on which this work would rest, chief among which were team approaches, generous leadership, and good practice in all aspects of research integrity. The related paper also set out the broader purposes of the Steering Board, the available institutional guidance on research culture setting, and the provision of external research funding through Research England for the enhancement of the University’s research culture. With regard to next steps, it was highlighted that the Steering Board would undertake a mapping exercise to understand synergies across the institution and reduce duplication. It would also work to implement the recommendations arising from University Early Career Researcher discussions and the Mid Career Researcher (MCR) Task and Finish Group, the latter of which were presented to UEB for endorsement in an appended document. UEB welcomed the positive reception of the MCR activities within the Russell Group, and noted that the broader suite of work detailed in the paper should help to ensure a competitive researcher recruitment and retention environment.
    • In respect of the external landscape, members observed that research culture was of growing importance to funders, including UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the British Academy. It was also anticipated that the next iteration of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) would feature a stronger weighting towards research culture, and that the revised Environment element of the assessment would include open access and ED&I developments.

    • Discussion focused on the recommendations of the MCR Task and Finish Group, which UEB endorsed. The following points were raised and/or noted.

      • myDevelopment

        • Human Resources had sufficient capacity to support the proposals around the provision of a platform for sharing experiences and resources and those pertaining to mentoring and coaching and networking and peer-to-peer support.

        • There was a need to determine how mentoring and coaching could be resourced from the academic side, given the existing pressure on senior academics.

      • Academic Career Pathways (ACP)

        • There could be strategic merit in building a research culture component into the expected behaviours.

        • The recommendation to recognise different forms of leadership was positive, and should include generous leadership. There would be value in exploring how this leadership type could be recognised in the University’s reward and promotion mechanisms.

        • It would also be instructive to test candidates’ generous leadership credentials at the point of recruitment.

      • Workload Planning

        • Although it was desirable to provide an allowance for training and development, as recommended, it was also important that MCRs built research excellence and leadership into their core activities.

      • SRDS

        • Discussions could focus on activities to stop as well as start in the interests of agreeing adequate scope for culture- and leadership-focused development.

  2. Round Table

    • UEB Strategic Advisory Group – Student Recruitment and Population (SAG SRP): UEB considered and approved a recommendation from SAG SRP to change the China agent commission structure for 2023 entry. It was noted in discussion that peer institutions in the sector were increasingly using commission to drive ambitions in international student numbers and that a tiered approach was becoming standard practice. Colleagues from Global Engagement would communicate the University’s position to agents during in-country visits later in the month.

    • NHS Industrial Action: AB informed UEB of the range of dates on which NHS Consultants had elected to strike.

    • 91Ö±²¥ City Council: TW updated UEB on the resignation of Cllr Terry Fox as the Leader of 91Ö±²¥ City Council and plans to elect a new leadership team following the local elections that had delivered again an outcome of no overall control (NOC).