University Executive Board minutes - 7 February 2023



7 February 2023


Professor K Lamberts (KL) (in the Chair), Professor A Blom, Professor J Derrick (JD), Professor S Fitzmaurice (SF), Professor S Hartley (SH), J Jones (JJ), Professor J Litster (JL), R Sykes (RS), Professor G Valentine (GV), Professor M Vincent (MV), Professor C Watkins (CW), I Wright (IW)

In attendance:

J Strachan (JS), T Wray (TW); S Want (SW) and Y Knight (YK) (item 2); R Gower (RG) (item 3); A Williams (AW) and Professor A Offiah (AO) (item 7)




D Swinn and K Sullivan

  1. Closed Minute and Paper

  2. Made Together

    • (SW and YK in attendance for paragraphs 2.1- 2.3 of this item)

    • UEB discussed an update on the University鈥檚 five-year regional engagement work programme and considered proposed interim leadership arrangements and delivery priorities pending the appointment of the new Vice-President for Partnerships and External Engagement. Attention was drawn to the very wide range of activity and the extent of positive progress made to date, alongside the need to communicate this more effectively to internal stakeholders. In addition, feedback indicated that work in this area was not always prioritised in departmental and faculty level strategic planning, and further work was planned to align relevant aspects of the programme with Strategy Delivery Plans.
    • During discussion it was noted that although SH鈥檚 Research Cabinet had considered the interim leadership arrangements and synergies with the Research SDP, the same was not yet true of Education. The latter area needed further consideration in order to reach a shared understanding of institutional objectives. UEB recognised that Made Together was an umbrella term that covered a broad range of activities that required greater academic leadership and cohesion, for which the new VP PPE would become responsible. In the meantime, UEB agreed that the projects should continue and recognised the success of the programme in raising the University鈥檚 external profile, particularly in relation to its contribution to the city and its regional engagement.
    • Clarification was provided about how the University would ensure that work continued, pending the VP PEE assuming their post, with SH and YK working with the Deputy VP for Research and Director of Research Services to review the activities in the Innovation SDP against the Made Together programme, lead communications with Professional Services, and facilitate discussion through the VP Strategy Group. It was noted that the University was also seeking to appoint two additional Assistant Directors to support this work.
    • UEB discussed the risk that the breadth of activity may mean that genuine, significant strategic opportunities were not exploited. Ahead of the VP PEE assuming their post, it was necessary to start to bring greater focus across the current programme with reference to core business and strategic aims and objectives. In particular, it was vital that work in this area delivered the requisite impact. UEB also considered the importance of the 鈥淧lace鈥 agenda as an area of genuine strategic opportunity and recognised the need for a strategic decision about institutional priorities in its city and regional engagement activities.
  3. Social Media Policy

    • (RG in attendance for this item)
    • UEB considered and approved the Social Media Policy, which reflected previous feedback from UEB and the outcome of further consultation with Trade Union colleagues and the Task and Finish Group. Having received clarification that there were no concerns in relation to the HE (Freedom of Speech Bill), UEB welcomed the new Policy as a positive development that provided a clear and usable framework, which was consistent with the Staff Code of Conduct. It was recognised that the challenge would be in applying the policy but that its development and approval was an essential and positive first step.
  4. Gender Pay Gap/Equal Pay Audit

    • UEB discussed a report on the annual University Gender Pay Gap and Gender Bonus Gap for 2022 and an update on progress against the five-year reduction targets at institutional and Faculty level, ahead of publishing the requisite data by the legislative deadline by the 30 March deadline, together with the accompanying narrative. The report also provided an update on key areas identified in the University鈥檚 GPG work programme and proposed key areas of activity for the next 12 months based on analysis of GPG data. UEB noted the GPG data and progress made on the GPG programme and that the University performed relatively well compared to the Russell Group.
    • UEB acknowledged that while progress was relatively slow, the data indicated a positive trajectory and where local challenges were evident these reflected known structural challenges that further work would seek to address. Particular attention was drawn to the establishment of new One University leadership structures and the importance of the dedicated Faculty Director roles in working with EDI leads to provide strategic focus and identify and implement local actions where required. Further work around academic recruitment and promotions would also seek to alleviate the challenge of building a pipeline of female academics for senior roles. It was clarified that the figures did not include a Professional Services category as the GPG in these departments, where there was one, was negligible and so the intention was to concentrate on the GPG in academic roles.
    • Having discussed and noted the report and relevant data, UEB approved the narrative to accompany the publication of the legislative data, subject to the potential addition of further positive examples, and approved the key areas of activity for the next 12 months, as set out in the paper.
  5. Closed Minute and Paper

  6. Closed Minute and Paper

  7. Race Equality Charter

    • (AW and AO in attendance for this item)

    • UEB considered an update on the University鈥檚 agreed commitment to work towards the Advance HE Race Equality Charter Bronze Award, the submission date for which was March 2024. Attention was drawn to the overarching objectives of the award, which centred on improving the representation/progression of staff and students from ethnic minorities; the performance of Russell Group peers that  were already recipients of an award; and the anticipated impact and benefits of achieving the award, including increasing the visibility and traction of the University鈥檚 work in this area.

    • During discussion, UEB raised and/or noted the following points:

      • Should the University achieve the Bronze Award, it would hold this accomplishment for three years, which would provide sufficient time to enact its action plan to pursue the next level award.

      • There would be merit in reinforcing the link of the University鈥檚 race equality work to the 91直播 Race Equality Commission, including the University鈥檚 close liaison with 91直播 Hallam University via that broader forum.

      • It would be important to ensure that any data cited was consistent with that used for other purposes, like the monitoring of award gaps.

      • The work being undertaken in pursuit of the Bronze Award was necessary and important regardless of whether the award was achieved.

    • UEB welcomed the work being undertaken in relation to the Race Equality Charter and encouraged its continuation.

  8. Report of the International Steering Group

    • UEB received and approved the report, noting the work undertaken and related next steps regarding (i) a review of institution-level strategic partners, and (ii) a summary of the Flagship Institutes and international report and review of the Five-Year Plans.

  9. Report of the Estates and Capital Sub-Group

    • UEB approved the report, noting the Group's most recent discussions and decisions that had not already been reported to UEB, and approving the following projects in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation:

      • Elmfield Refurbishment
      • Medicine, Dentistry and Health Phase 1
  10. Round Table

    • The Diamond: MV reported on an exhibition being staged in The Diamond.