University Executive Board minutes - 28 March 2023



28 March 2023


Professor K Lamberts (KL) (in the Chair), Professor J Derrick (JD), Professor S Fitzmaurice (SF), J Jones (JJ), Professor J Litster (JL), R Sykes (RS), Professor M Vincent (MV), Professor C Watkins (CW)

In attendance:

J Strachan (JS), T Wray (TW), D Barcroft (items 1 and 2); L Carlile (item 1); E Whiting (item 2); Y Knight, C Vernon and D Buckley (item 3); D Lodge and M Nuttall (item 4); S Grocutt (item s 5 and 6); Rob Gower (item 7); Bella Abrams (item 8)


Professor A Blom (AB), Professor S Hartley (SH), Professor G Valentine (GV), I Wright (IW)


M Borland

  1. Student Recruitment Update

    • (Dan Barcroft and Liz Carlile in attendance for this item)
    • UEB received an update on the University鈥檚 recruitment for 2023 entry based on the latest data as at 15 March 2023. Attention was drawn to preparations for the University no longer being in the QS top 100 rankings, which included a Task Force which would report back to UEB in May 2023. Whilst the number of home UG applicants was increasing, the University鈥檚 market share was not increasing to the level wanted.
    • UEB:
      • Noted the commentary on the latest applications for 2023 entry.
      • Noted the range of recruitment and marketing activities outlined in the paper.
  2. Student Recruitment and Marketing Services

    • (Dan Barcroft and Elisabeth Whiting in attendance for this item)

    • UEB considered a proposal for the future structure of the Student Recruitment and Marketing Service. Implementation of this proposed structure would necessitate both a formal staff consultation and resolution of 鈥榝ractional roles鈥.

    • Comments made in discussion included:

      • In relation to fractional roles there was a complicated picture as a consequence of a lack of consistency at the faculty and department level.

      • UEB was of the view that a five hub model, with opportunities to increase efficiency, was appropriate.

      • The Hubs were not about providing additional support, but rather about providing specialist expertise. and as such Hubs would not necessarily be equal in terms of access.

      • It was clarified that apprenticeship recruitment was in scope and would be referenced.

    • UEB:
      • Approved the Student Recruitment and Marketing Service Design project to progress with a full role allocation and costing of the new structure, on the understanding that this will lead to a formal staff consultation.

      • Approved the proposal to resolve the challenge of fractional roles that this reorganisation presents.

      • Supported the integrated communications and engagement plan.

  3. 91直播 City Goals

    • (Yasmin Knight, Carrie Vernon and Diana Buckley in attendance for this item)

    • UEB considered a paper on the development of City Goals for 91直播 which sought input on how to engage the University community in the process and how UEB would like to contribute to the ongoing development of the Goals. UEB also received a presentation from Diana Buckley, Director of Economy, Skills and Culture at 91直播 City Council covering the need for the City Goals, what was different to previous exercises to develop city goals, the process to date, and what was required from partner organisations in the city.

    • During discussion it was clarified that conversations to date have informed the 鈥榟ow鈥, rather than the content of the goals. There could be various approaches to achieving the goals and there would be benefit in working in advance to avoid potential challenges regarding implementation. The City Goals would be owned by the 91直播 City Partnership Board. It was recognised that the maturity of relationships and partnerships across the city would need to evolve. It was clarified that not all parts of all of the City Goals would necessarily speak to each institution in the city.

    • UEB expressed support for the work and agreed to receive a presentation at the appropriate point in the future on the draft goals.

  4. Research Support

    • (Deborah Lodge and Michelle Nuttall in attendance for this item)

    • UEB considered an update on the findings and recommendations of a 鈥渓ight touch鈥 review of research support and proposals. Attention was drawn to the development of pragmatic solutions following feedback from FVPs.

    • During discussion, UEB expressed support for the proposals and the suggested direction of travel, noting the critical role for Research and Innovation Services. The AMG perspective would be brought in as part of future conversations through the Faculty of Engineering.

    • UEB agreed the 20 proposed recommendations, grouped under the following four themes:

      • Theme 1: Supporting the delivery of strategic research priorities

      • Theme 2: Being as effective as possible, and how we might create more capacity

      • Theme 3: Sharing expertise and being agile across the hubs

      • Theme 4: Making the best use of technology

  5. Closed Minute and Paper

  6. UK SAF Clearing House contract approval request

    • (Sue Grocutt in attendance for this item)

    • UEB considered the report. 91直播 Energy Innovation Centre (EIC) had been successful in winning a competitive tender to establish and operate the UK SAF Clearing House for 2 years providing testing services to fuel producers with up to 拢11m of funding provided by the DfT directly to the fuel producers for this work. The contract relied upon Department for Transport standard core terms which were non-negotiable. A legal review identified that there were some onerous and unusual clauses in the core terms. The paper elaborated on the transparency of risk associated with these clauses for UEB to decide whether to proceed on that basis.

    • Following discussion UEB agreed to proceed with contracting with the Department for Transport (DfT) to allow the University of 91直播 to set up and host the UK SAF Clearing House for two years from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025.

  7. Proposals for updates to the ACP framework

    • (Rob Gower in attendance for this item)

    • UEB considered range of proposed updates to the Academic Career Pathway (ACP) and promotions process.

    • UEB expressed support and:

      • Approved proposed revisions to the ACP criteria.

      • Provide approval in principle for some changes to promotion processes likely to arise from the joint working group.

      • Noted other developments related to ACP or the promotions process.

  8. Closed Minute and Paper

  9. Round Table

    • Shadow ministerial visit: KL updated on a recent visit by Chi Onwurah MP, Shadow Minister for Science, Research and Innovation.

    • Diversity Travel: It was agreed to provide an update to UEB HoDs on a recent pilot.

    • Finance Committee: JJ gave an update on Finance Committee.