University Executive Board minutes - 27 September 2022



27 September 2022


Professor K Lamberts (KL) (in the Chair), Professor J Derrick (JD), Professor S Fitzmaurice (SF), Professor S Hartley (SH), J Jones (JJ), Professor J Litster (JL), Professor C Newman (CN), R Sykes (RS)

In attendance:

T Wray (TW), I Wright (IW), M Nuttall (MN) (Item 3), K Lilley (KEL) (Items 5 and 5.1)


Dr T Strike (TS), Professor G Valentine (GV), Professor M Vincent (MV), Professor C Watkins (CW),


K Sullivan (KS)

  1. Departure

    • UEB recorded its thanks to CN for his dedication and support of UEB’s business over a long period as Interim Faculty Vice-President of Medicine, Dentistry & Health. Professor A Blom, the permanent FVP, would join UEB once he started in his substantive role.
  2. Closed Minute and Paper

  3. Draft Annual Value for Money Report

    • (MN in attendance for this item)

    • UEB considered the draft annual report on value for money (VfM) which, subject to UEB endorsement, would be recommended onward to Council Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC) and Council. It was highlighted that, although the report no longer formed part of a statutory return to evidence the University’s responsible management of public funds, it remained an important part of good internal governance and assurance. The latest iteration of the report reflected feedback received from the University’s external auditor, took a broader view of VfM and strengthened the focus on the experience and perception of students and wider stakeholders. The report’s overarching conclusion was that the University continued to deliver VfM across its business and embed the need for economy, effectiveness, and efficiency throughout the breadth of its operational activities.

    • During discussion, UEB raised and/or noted the following points:

      • Feedback garnered from Professional Services Directors had indicated that VfM represented an opportunity to review and refine business processes.

      • The report was important for the University’s internal and external auditors in producing their audit opinions.

      • For the next iteration of the report, there would be scope to explore how the content could be brought together with the update on institutional performance against its KPIs.

    • UEB endorsed the annual report and recommended it for submission to ARAC.

  4. Cost of Living Crisis Response

    • UEB considered a series of proposals to support staff through the current period of cost of living pressures, having agreed to increase student support funding for this purpose. The related paper outlined the principles that would inform the preferred intervention(s), which attempted to meet UEB’s previous position on the progressiveness of the approach and its indicative cost. A range of additional pay options and other measures to assist staff was also discussed.

    • UEB:

      • Approved the application of an uplift to the salaries of all staff, excluding UEB, to take effect from 1 October 2022 to 31 July 2023.

      • Agreed the uplift should take the form of a flat-rate payment to be paid in instalments over 10-month period as an additional non-superannuable element of pay.

      • Agreed to Freeze the cost of car parking and prices in Unicus/ACS-run outlets for 2022/23.

      • Agreed to promote the new and existing working cost savings through various communications channels.

      • Agreed to highlight to HoDs what could be done for staff experiencing financial hardship.

      • Noted a proposal would need to be made to Council, via Finance Committee, to adjust the financial forecasting, and that the additional elements outlined in Minutes 4.3(c)-(e), above, would need to be developed in terms of process and communications.

  5. Report of the UEB Estates and Capital Sub-Group

    • (Meeting Held on 13 July)

    • (KEL in attendance for this item)

    • UEB approved the report, noting the Group's (ECSG’s) most recent discussions and decisions that had not already been reported to UEB. It was highlighted that the ECSG meeting scheduled for 22 September 2022 did not proceed due to lack of academic representation. Given project timescales, UEB considered and approved the following three of the business cases due to be considered at that meeting, which required approval in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation:

      • Sustainable Aviation Fuels Innovation Centre (SAF-IC): Full Utilisation of Grant Funding
      • Blast & Impact Diagnostic Laboratory – Refurbishment of the Blast Room
      • AMRC North West
    • ​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹Abridged Business Case: University of 91Ö±²¥ Nursery

      • (KEL in attendance for this item)
      • UEB considered a business case for the University of 91Ö±²¥ Nursery, having approved the replacement of the current nursery based in Broomhall, which the Students’ Union operated. Approval to construct a new nursery within the existing estate had been given via the Capital Pipeline Prioritisation Group (CPPG) and a capital budget had been granted in 2021. It was highlighted that inflationary pressures in the intervening period, coupled with the developing specification, had increased the budget request. In light of this, an alternative site had been identified.
      • During discussion, it was clarified that, from completion of any transaction, the nursery could be open in a maximum of six months. It was further noted that the SU’s appraisal of the prospective location was that it was the most appropriate that had been offered to date.
      • UEB approved:
        • The completion of the following actions to progress negotiations pertaining to the purchase of the site:

          • Title search and confirmation.
          • Site surveys to be undertaken to establish the condition in greater detail.
          • Review of the utilities infrastructure configuration and condition including if separation of utilities was required
  6. Round Table

    • ​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹Doncaster and 91Ö±²¥ Airport: KL reported on the recent decision to close the airport.
    • Labour Party Conference: KL provided an update on the University’s activities at the conference, including its display of posters at Liverpool Lime Street Station.
    • Mini-Budget: KL informed UEB that the impact of the UK Government’s mini-budget on the University’s financial position was not yet clear, but this would be monitored on an ongoing basis in case any forecasting adjustments were required.
    • Staff Survey: IW provided an update on current response rates.
    • Guardian League Table: KL reported on the University’s position in the latest rankings.
    • Royal Hallamshire Hospital: KL informed UEB that an anti-abortion group intended to protest outside the premises for a period of 40 days. The matter would require careful management from 91Ö±²¥ Hospitals Trust and the University in relation to students and researchers working at the premises.