University Executive Board minutes - 22 June 2021



22 June 2021


Professor G Valentine (GV)(in the Chair), Professor J Derrick (JD), Professor S Fitzmaurice (SF), Professor S Hartley (SH), Ms H Fraser-Krauss (HFK), Ms J Jones (JJ), Professor C Newman (CN), Professor D Petley (DNP), Mr R Sykes (RS), Professor M Vincent (MV), Professor C Watkins (CW)

In attendance:

Mr A Carlile (AC), Professor J Litster (JL), Mrs T Wray (TW); Ms B Eyre (BE), Mr J Weir (JW), Ms L Grimshaw(LG), Mr J Kirk (JK), Ms E Lynas (EL), Mr I Montenegro (IM) (item 3)


Professor K Lamberts (KL), Professor M Hounslow (MJH), Dr T Strike (TS), Mr I Wright (IW),


Mr D T Swinn (DTS)

  1. Implementation Group - Mapping of Research and Teaching Strengths

    • UEB considered proposals, noting that these would only be undertaken if Council supported the UEB recommendation, which would be considered by Council on 12 July. Subject to a decision of Council, UEB discussed the proposed processes which the Implementation Group would follow as part of its work to develop final proposals for retained areas of strength in archaeological teaching and research and where in the University they should be aligned, including reconsidering the merger options. This work would also seek to identify additional areas of strength to be retained other than those identified by the Institutional Review Group. Once completed, this exercise would then form the basis for assessment of the impact on staff and students in the Department of Archaeology and development of detailed change proposals. The Implementation Group would present an options appraisal and final recommendations to UEB for approval.
    • During discussion, UEB recognised the importance of a clear and robust approach that was as transparent as possible. With respect to student engagement, Members were pleased to note that the important process of engaging with current and prospective students, including those potentially joining through the Department for Lifelong Learning, had already begun and would continue. The Students’ Union Officers had also been briefed and would be kept updated throughout the process. UEB welcomed plans for further consultation with staff, and that the fact that this would include colleagues in other cognate departments, HoDs and departmental executive teams in order to ensure that their perspectives were considered. It was recognised that the sympathetic treatment of staff and students in Archaeology and other cognate disciplines was a key function of the Implementation Group’s plan of work. UEB was also pleased to note that the Implementation Group’s terms of reference, which had been approved previously, included specific provision for the Group to receive, consider and approve an equality impact assessment of the implementation plan.
    • UEB approved the processes proposed in the related paper, subject to a decision of the Council before any further activity took place.
  2. Coronavirus Update

    • Update from the Major Incident Team
      • UEB received and noted the latest update report from the Major Incident Team.
  3. Outgoing SU officers presentation of their achievements

    • (BE, JW, LG, JK, EL, IM in attendance for this item)
    • UEB received a presentation from the outgoing Students’ Union Sabbatical Officers on their achievements against their objectives for the year, noting the particularly challenging environment and working arrangements they had faced. UEB thanked the SU officers’ for their effort and commitment during such a difficult period and congratulated them on having delivered so much, individually and collectively. Particular attention was drawn to actions around sustainability, equality, diversity & inclusion, and supporting the response to the pandemic. The extent of external facing activities and engagement was also a notable achievement, together with continued support and commitment for University-SU partnership working.
  4. Round Table

    • Executive Director of Corporate Services: GV reported that HFK had accepted an offer to become the Chief Executive of JISC, and would be leaving the University on 31 August. A formal announcement would be made on 30 June, to coincide with JISC announcing the news. UEB congratulated HFK on her appointment and expressed good wishes for the future. UEB would receive an update on plans for the leadership of services within the Directorate and recruitment of a successor in due course.
    • USS Pensions: JJ reported that the USS Trustee had responded to the findings of the recent UUK consultation and UUK was planning a further short consultation with member institutions. UEB would receive a further update on 29 June before Finance Committee and Council approval was sought for the final institutional response.

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