University Executive Board minutes - 1 June 2021



1 June 2021


Professor K Lamberts (KL) (in the Chair) Professor S Fitzmaurice (SF), Professor S Hartley (SH), Professor M Hounslow (MJH), Ms H Fraser-Krauss (HFK), Ms J Jones (JJ), Professor C Newman (CN), Professor D Petley (DNP), Professor G Valentine (GV), Professor M Vincent (MV), Professor C Watkins (CW)

In attendance:

Dr T Strike (TS), Mr I Wright (IW), Mrs T Wray (TW), Dr Rachael Rothman (Item 5)


Professor J Derrick (JD), Mr R Sykes (RS)


Dr E Smith (ES)/Mr D Swinn (DS)

  1. Minutes of UEB Held on 25 April

    • The Minutes were approved as an accurate record.
  2. Minutes of UEB Held on 25 May

    • This item was deferred.
  3. Matters Arising

    • Archaeology Review: Implementation Group Terms of Reference
      • Further to the proposal to Council agreed at UEB’s 25 May meeting, and noting that Council was yet to consider the matter and reach a decision, including consulting with the Senate, UEB considered the membership and terms of reference of a UEB Implementation Group in relation to the review of Archaeology.
      • Although Council had not yet made a decision, it was crucial to commence the further work and next steps identified on 25 May, and reflected in the terms of reference, to ensure that the University was best placed to implement any decision of the Council. A key role of the Implementation Group would be to develop a clear and transparent process by which to identify and recommend the optimum academic alignment for those retained areas of strength, as well as considering and agreeing effective and appropriate internal and external stakeholder engagement and communication plans to support the decision of Council.
      • UEB approved the membership and terms of reference of a UEB Implementation Group in relation to the review of Archaeology, subject to the inclusion of the Associate Director of HR amongst the membership and confirmation that a second representative from the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health was not required.
      • Actions:
        • The agreed terms of reference and membership would be included in the papers for Senate on 23 June. More broadly, the University Secretary would continue to lead preparations for the forthcoming meetings of Council and Senate.
        • Meetings of the Implementation Group would be scheduled
  4. Closed Minute and Paper

  5. Report of Sustainability Strategy

    • (Rachael Rothman in attendance for this item)
    • UEB considered a quarterly report detailing the University’s progress on the Sustainability Strategy. The paper set out the ongoing actions related to the Sustainability Action Plan; governance changes to key sustainability groups; the institutional performance against the KPI for carbon reduction; and the work to oversee the development of sustainable business travel processes and procedures. With regard to the external environment, UEB welcomed the University’s receipt of a Green Gown Award for the Desert Garden Project, and noted the consideration being given to the value of sector-wide sustainability league tables. It was highlighted that work to align institutional research to sustainable development goals (SDGs) was being initiated, drawing on the success of sector peers in this area.
    • During discussion, UEB raised the following points:
      • Business Travel:
        • The internal eBike scheme had been popular with staff travelling to campus, and further communications work would aim to promote the offer to a wider range of colleagues.
        • The Cycle to Work Scheme had also been broadened to accommodate the purchase of eBikes up to a defined limit.
        • It was expected that the University would install a cycle hub in the vicinity of The Diamond, which would provide a further secure storage facility.
        • The University was engaging with the Local Engagement Partnership (LEP) on active travel initiatives.
      • Carbon Reduction:
        • The University had signed up to a Wellcome Trust carbon offsetting pilot.
    • UEB noted the update on the Sustainability Strategy, and endorsed the format of the report. Members thanked the core team working on the Strategy for achieving the progress made to date.
  6. Closed Minute and Paper

  7. Pairing of Council Members with Vice-Presidents and Heads of Faculty and Executive Directors

    • UEB received and noted new UEB-Council pairings. It was noted that the pandemic and remote working had limited some opportunities for engagement during the last year but it was hoped that the easing of restrictions would facilitate increased opportunities in 2021-22. During discussion, Members noted the value of the pairing arrangement, but also that all members of UEB and Council had the opportunity to engage with one another. It was recognised that some members were not assigned to a pair next year, but that the pairings had taken into account the Senior Academic Officers on Council and synergies between individuals’ experience and interest; the pairings would be regularly reviewed.

  8. Report of UEB Estates and Capital Sub-Group

    • (Meeting Held on 5 May)

    • UEB approved a number of proposals set out in the related paper and accompanying business cases, subject to Finance Committee and/or Council approval where relevant in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation:

  9. Report of UEB Sexual Violence and Harassment Group

  10. (Meeting Held on 21 April)

    • UEB received and approved the report. In particular, UEB noted updates on the Sexual Violence and Harassment Action Plan, including the impact of the pandemic, and that the University’s Sexual Violence Liaison Officer Service has achieved the Male Survivor Partnership, Male Survivor Accreditation, one of only two UK universities to do so. The group had also held an initial discussion about the new OfS Statement of Expectation, which had been published following an earlier consultation exercise, and actions in response. Although the University was well placed as a result of previous activities in this area, additional requirements on governing bodies had led to agreement for the SVHSG to report to Council, through the Council Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee to discharge those new reporting and assurance obligations.

  11. Coronavirus Update

    • Update from the Major Incident Team:
    • UEB discussed the update, noting in particular the need for action to address incidents of poor behaviour in University accommodation, on which the IMT was liaising with Corporate Communications. It was also noted that the University’s testing Centre had moved to the Students’ Union building to enable the NHS to use the Octagon as a vaccination centre.

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