Our Commitment statement

As staff and students, we will work together to create an outstanding educational experience at the University of 91Ö±²¥.



Our Commitment is a partnership document struck between teachers and students as members of the University. 

The statement sets out what we all commit to do to ensure the best learning experience. It has been written by staff and students and is collectively owned by the University and the Students' Union.

Our commitment is best understood as a statement of collective ethos, setting out the qualities and responsibilities underpinning the education on University of 91Ö±²¥ degree programmes. It has been endorsed by the President and Vice-Chancellor of the University and the President of the Students' Union, on behalf of all staff and students.

For research students, the University's Research Student Proposition describes what you can expect from the University, and vice versa.

Read the Research Student Proposition (PDF, 181KB)

As a student, to have the best learning experience…

I will develop my knowledge by exploring my passion for my subject and sharing in this with other students and my tutors.

I will work hard and to the best of my abilities, on my own and with others, by participating actively in the range of activities set by my tutors.

I will be prepared for and not miss out on scheduled learning.

I will make the most of the feedback I receive on my work and seek out support to do this.

I will ask questions and talk to my tutors, including my personal and academic tutor, so that they can best support me.

I will seek out and take up the opportunities available alongside my studies that enrich my knowledge, skills and experience and allow me to contribute to the University and its community.

I will make good use of the range of services at the University that help me to progress on my course and prepare for my future.

I will acknowledge, appreciate and learn from the diversity of our population, and strive to be an active citizen.

I will take care of myself and my physical and mental health, drawing on support when I need it.

I will engage positively with my University and local community, treat others with respect, dignity and care, and speak up for what is right.

As staff, to enable the best learning experience for all…

We will provide inspirational, engaging and knowledgeable teaching that draws on our research interests.

We will take a professional approach to our teaching, being well prepared, reliable and using a variety of methods.

We will take a scholarly approach to learning, teaching and assessment, to inform what we do and help us develop.

We will provide clear assessment criteria and good feedback to enable effective learning.

We will be approachable, get to know students and use the available time to help them identify and develop their skills; we will also support them through any personal and academic challenges.

We will seek out, listen to and consider students’ views, acting on them when appropriate, and communicate our response.

We will work well across the range of University services to help students to progress on their course and prepare for the future.

We will provide accessible and inclusive learning and teaching that respects and benefits from our diversity.

We will prioritise good occupational health, drawing on support when it is needed.

We will foster an environment in which everyone engages positively with their University and local community, treats others with respect, dignity and care, and speaks up for what is right.

The University aims to provide all students with access to a full range of University services. However, some categories of students, such as those registered on distance learning programmes, may not have access to services in the same way as students with full-time attendance.

Information specific to such students will be communicated in course material before the commencement of their studies.

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