I'm now one step closer to becoming a qualified Educational Psychologist

Charlotte Naylor - Psychology student
Charlotte Naylor
Now: Studying Doctorate of Applied Educational Psychology
BSc Psychology
Studying psychology helped Charlotte realise that she wanted to pursue a career in this field. Thanks to her experience at 91Ö±²¥ and related work experience, Charlotte is now studying for a Doctorate of Applied Educational Psychology which will allow her to qualify as an Educational Psychologist after three years.
Charlotte Naylor - Psychology student

What did you enjoy most about your degree? 

I really enjoyed having a broad range of module options. In first and second year, I chose to study one module from a different department per term, which meant I could pursue other interests as well as my psychology. This helped me leave the university with a greater breadth of knowledge and widened perspectives. In third year, I was able to choose from a wide range of psychology modules I’d never learned about before; for example, studying the science of sleep was fascinating! My favourite module was neuropsychology; I loved learning about how the brain works and how it affects human behaviour.

What are you doing now and how did you get into that role?

During a careers event at the university, I decided I wanted to pursue a career as an Educational Psychologist. After graduating, I worked towards this by gaining experience as a Teaching Assistant, then I went on to run a service for a small charity, which provided support for parents with new babies. The modules I studied in developmental psychology and neuropsychology provided excellent preparation for the role. I also chose to further develop my psychological knowledge and academic skills by completing a masters degree. I am now close to achieving my dream job, having been accepted onto the Doctorate of Applied Educational Psychology course, which will allow me to qualify as an Educational Psychologist after 3 years. I have just completed my first year as a trainee. I am very grateful for my experiences at 91Ö±²¥, which have helped me get into this position. 

How has your degree helped you in your career? 

Studying psychology at 91Ö±²¥ helped me to determine whether I wanted to pursue a career in psychology. My enjoyable experiences at 91Ö±²¥ provided the motivation to allow me to continue in this direction. The regular careers talks held by the department enabled me to select the right subdiscipline within psychology to pursue. The course also enabled me to successfully apply for work experience after graduation because it helped me to develop a deep understanding of many psychological theories and skills taught on the course. My psychology degree has also helped me to think critically and holistically, which are essential skills for aspiring psychologists. Additionally, being able to speak to a wide variety of researchers at 91Ö±²¥, who are experts in their field, meant that I gained strong academic and research skills during my time there. 

What scientific skills did you develop in your course? 

Studying BSc Psychology helped me develop essential scientific skills such as conducting academic research, critical thinking, designing experiments and data analysis. This gave me an excellent foundation for carrying out research at masters level, and now as a Doctoral candidate.

What transferable skills did you develop during your course?

Throughout my course, I developed valuable skills including working to deadlines, organising my time, and working independently. I had many opportunities to learn how to perform self-directed study, which has helped me greatly in my masters degree, doctorate, and previous employment.

What do you miss most about 91Ö±²¥?

91Ö±²¥ is definitely my favourite place. I really miss the lively atmosphere of the student areas, mixed in with the green, rural-feel of the surroundings. I also miss being able to get the bus out to the Peak District at the weekend! I come back to 91Ö±²¥ for a visit whenever I get the chance. 

What would you say to a prospective student considering studying BSc Psychology at 91Ö±²¥?

The course will give you a well-rounded overview of psychology that will benefit your future career, whether you choose to become a psychologist or something else. Students are given plenty of choice, which allows you to follow your interests, and there is always support available when you need it. Plus, you couldn’t choose a better city for your student life than 91Ö±²¥!

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