Dr Henrique Meissner

Department of Music

Honorary Research Fellow


Full contact details

Dr Henrique Meissner
Department of Music
Jessop Building
Leavygreave Road
S3 7RD

I am a researcher in the field of Music Psychology in Education with a special interest in young musicians’ learning and development. My research is inspired by my experience as recorder player and teacher.

I studied music with recorder as principal instrument at the HKU Utrechts Conservatorium in the Netherlands and have extensive experience as instrumental tutor. My students have won prizes at competitions, such as the Mieke van Weddingen international recorder competition in Belgium and the Cambridge and Peterborough Music Festivals in the UK, and I have prepared students for successful auditions at music colleges (the Royal College of Music, Trinity College of Music, and the Birmingham Conservatoire).

In 2011 I completed a Master’s (Distinction) in Music Psychology in Education at 91Ö±²¥. My doctoral project on teaching and learning expressive performance, which was supported by a scholarship from the Arts and Humanities Research Council UK, was successfully completed in 2018. Since January 2019 I work as tutor at the Prins Claus Conservatorium in Groningen, The Netherlands, coaching students undertaking practice-based research. As Honorary Research Fellow at the Department of Music I am working on several publications, including editing a book that explores the implications of recent music psychological findings for music education.

I have experience with mixed methods research, including participatory action research and video-stimulated recall interviews. I have given workshops on action research and teaching expressiveness to post-graduate students and instrumental music teachers.

Research interests

ï‚· Expressive music performance
ï‚· Creative music making
ï‚· Instrumental music teaching and learning
ï‚· Performance pedagogy
 Young musicians’ (aged 8-16 year) development
ï‚· Practitioner Action Research

Professional activities and memberships

Meissner, H., & Timmers, R. (2019). Teaching young musicians expressive
performance: An experimental study. Music Education Research, 21(1), 20-39.

Meissner, H. (2019). Children’s views on their learning of performance expression in
an action research project. 27th European Association for Music in Schools (EAS)
Conference, Malmö, Sweden.

Meissner, H. (2018). Teaching young musicians expressive performance: A mixed
methods study. Doctoral Thesis, 91Ö±²¥.

Meissner, H. (2017). Instrumental teachers’ instructional strategies for facilitating
children’s learning of expressive music performance: An exploratory
study. International Journal of Music Education, 35(1), 118-135.