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Methodologies developed within the discipline are used alongside those derived from cognate disciplines such as biology, neuroscience, computer science, and philosophy. Psychology encompasses several fields including social psychology, developmental psychology, occupational psychology, cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and health psychology, to name but a few. Students on the course are exposed to a variety of philosophical and methodological approaches to the study of human experience and behaviour, which reflect the broad spectrum of methods used in the discipline. The programme adopts a Programme Level Approach that aligns content across levels 1 and 2 via four topic streams and one research methodology stream. This structure facilitates coherent delivery of the wide range of topics on the course and allows assessments and feedback to be staggered across the year to avoid assessment bottlenecks. In addition, students with a range of qualifications (e.g., science and/or social science and humanities A Levels or equivalent) are able to obtain key subject knowledge. In their 3rd year students are encouraged to apply their learning to different contexts via level 3 specialist modules that are linked to the research conducted within the Department. The Department of Psychology at 91ֱ University is committed to research-led teaching. During their degree students learn to use rigorous scientific techniques and statistical procedures to analyse, explain and report on human behaviour. Students also acquire, practise and reflect on a set of skills (e.g., Information Digital Literacy) that enhance their professional development and are sought after by employers. In addition to the skills learnt during the course students learn a set of subject and employability specific skills during their placements including understanding of the workplace and the industry they work for as well as acquiring knowledge that informs their career choices. Students reflect on these skills at the end of their placements via a set of assessed reflections that detail the acquisition of professional and workplace skills as well as understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the sector they entered. The degree at 91ֱ is accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS) and confers eligibility for the Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership. This is an essential qualification for those who intend to practise as psychologists. Accreditation means that the degree includes all the components of the BPS syllabus (which is an explicit version of the QAA subject benchmarks for Psychology). Subject Benchmark statements describe the abilities graduates are expected to obtain and are used as reference points for the design of programmes and the setting and assuring of academic standards. The BPS requires students to have a comprehensive overview of the substantive areas of contemporary psychology and demonstrate that they are able to conduct empirical ethical research. The Department more than meets all the necessary BPS requirements for quality teaching and resources. 16. Programme aims The aim of the programme is to ensure that students have a comprehensive overview of the substantive areas of contemporary psychology (required for British Psychology Society Accreditation) and are able to apply their knowledge of psychological theories in the following areas: Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience and Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Psychological research methods. The programme also aims to make sure that students; are experienced in the processes and methods of empirical psychological research including the design of empirical investigations, ethical conduct, collection of qualitative and quantitative data, statistical analysis of results, and the interpretation of findings. are able to assess psychological theory, via the interrogation of evidence, and are equipped with appropriate information and digital literacy skills to obtain that evidence. are skilled communicators, who are able to translate and adapt knowledge for different audiences and are comfortable with different styles of communication. acquire a set of skills that are valued by employers resulting in highly desirable graduates who will succeed in a competitive job market.17. Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding: By the end of the programme student will have gained:K1a critical understanding of theories in different areas of psychological research;K2a comparative awareness of the relationship between psychology and other disciplines;K3a knowledge of biological psychology, including the biological basis of behaviour and neuropsychology;K4a knowledge of cognitive psychology, including perception, learning, memory, and language;K5a knowledge of social psychology, including social cognition, attitudes and group processes;K6a knowledge of developmental psychology, including cognitive, social and language development;K7a knowledge of individual differences, including differences in intelligence and personality;K8an understanding of methodologies in different areas of psychology;K9an understanding of the significance of ethical issues in relation to psychological work and research;K10an understanding of different conceptual and historical issues in psychology;K11an understanding of how psychological theories and research are related to applied contexts. Skills and other attributes: Transferable skills:S1The ability to communicate effectively by developing relevant arguments backed up by empirical evidence;S2The ability to interpret and critically assess scientific data, using problem-solving and reasoning skills;S3The ability to carry out literature and information searches effectively;S4The ability to use software for communication, word processing, statistical analyses and accessing databases;S5The ability to develop the skills and confidence of an independent learner;S6The ability to work as part of a team and to be aware of the psychological aspects of interpersonal communication and shared skills;S7The ability to consider the ethical dimension of any work or activity;S8The ability to carry out a significant empirical project with independence and responsibility, to meet the constraints and time limits of such a project, and to achieve work of a recognised scientific quality;S9Professional workplace skills including awareness of time management, effective communication with different groups of people and office etiquette;S10An understanding of available career options;S11An understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the sector they hope to work in.Skills and other attributes: Subject specific skills:S12To recognise distinctive psychological approaches to different issues;S13To generate psychological hypotheses and the ways to test those hypotheses;S14To carry out empirical studies using psychological methods of data collection;S15To analyse quantitative and qualitative psychological data;S16To use psychological tools, such as statistical procedures, laboratory equipment and psychometric tests;S17To write an ethical proposals for psychological work;S18To produce independent psychological research and to describe that work in a written psychological report and as a verbal presentation to an audience of psychologists.18. Teaching, learning and assessment Development of the programme learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods: To ensure students are knowledgeable in their subject area (K1-K11), the level 1 and 2 core topic streams deliver content via lectures. Two hours of lectures each week for each topic stream allow the traditional lecture format to incorporate a range of non-didactic elements designed to enhance the student experience (e.g., Q+A sessions, group discussions, inter-teaching, flipped learning, interactive online materials S2, S5). The psychological research methodology stream forms the backbone of the course and delivers content via lectures, computer classes (S4) and small group tutorials (S5). This ensures students are experienced in the processes and methods of empirical psychological research including the design of empirical investigations, ethical conduct, collection of qualitative and quantitative data, statistical analysis of results, and the interpretation of findings (S12-S18). At level 3 students focus on an area they are interested in via specialist modules that are delivered via lectures and seminars. Level 3 modules provide students with the opportunity to apply their learning from levels 1 and 2 and gain insight into how psychological theories and research are related to applied contexts (K11). In addition, individual staff members supervise literature reviews (S1, S2, S3) and project dissertations at level 3 (S1-S8, S12-S18). Students apply their learning from all levels in their projects and gain experience in preparing, carrying out and writing up research. Students receive instruction in ethical reasoning and are required to produce an ethical proposal for their Level 3 project (K9). During their dissertation projects and throughout the course students also apply a set of transferable skills that they have practised in level 1 and 2 modules (S6 & S8) for example group working, presentations and effective communication whilst liaising with participants. As part of their experiences in the work place students completing the degree with employment experience acquire an understanding of professionalism in the workplace via training with their placement provider (S9) and are assessed on their understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the sector they join (S11). Students career horizons are broadened via exposure to the job market whilst on placement (S10). Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the programme learning outcomes are provided through the following assessment methods: A range of assessments that include coursework, MCQ, short answer questions and essay examinations ensure that students are knowledgeable in their subject area (K1-K11). Ethics proposals for research, laboratory reports and final year dissertations ensure that students are experienced in the processes and methods of empirical psychological research (S12-S18). Students are expected to complete a wide range of coursework for core modules ranging from traditional essay questions (K1, S2, S3), case studies(K11) and blog posts (S1) ensuring that students appreciate the translation of their knowledge to real world issues (K11) and are comfortable communicating with a range of audiences (S1). Skills related to using software and statistical analyses are assessed via lab reports, short answer questions and MCQ exams (S4). Transferable skills are assessed via exercises that are linked to coursework for example poster presentations and reflection exercises (S6-8). Level 3 literature reviews and dissertation projects as well as lab reports completed at levels 1 and 2 assesses transferable skills and subject specific skills (S1-S18). Formative assessment is provided via draft work submitted during levels 1 and 2 and draft dissertation chapters at level 3. Formative assessment helps students develop their confidence as independent learners (S5) and achieve work of a suitable scientific quality (S8). Workplace based skills are assessed via assignments that are completed at the end of the placement (S9-11).19. Reference points The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference: 91ֱ Graduate Attributes  HYPERLINK "/sheffieldgraduate" /sheffieldgraduate Subject Benchmark Statements  HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements" https://www.qaa.ac.uk/quality-code/subject-benchmark-statements Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (2014)  HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf" https://www.qaa.ac.uk/docs/qaa/quality-code/qualifications-frameworks.pdf Learning and Teaching Strategy (2016-21)  HYPERLINK "/polopoly_fs/1.661828!/file/FinalStrategy.pdf" /polopoly_fs/1.661828!/file/FinalStrategy.pdf British Psychological Society syllabus and standards for education providers  HYPERLINK "https://www.bps.org.uk/psychologists/accreditation/education-providers" https://www.bps.org.uk/psychologists/accreditation/education-providers20. Programme structure and regulations Levels 1 and 2 of the programme are structured in 4 topic streams and 1 research methodology stream. Each 1 of these streams has a core year-long 20 credit module. At levels 1 and 2 students are able to take 20 credits of unrestricted modules. The 4 topic streams are: Social Psychology; Cognitive Psychology; Neuroscience and Clinical Psychology; Developmental Psychology; The research stream is termed Psychological Research Methodology. The topics in these streams meet all the content requirements of the British Psychological Society (BPS) accreditation criteria. Staff are assigned to one of these streams and thus all staff provide teaching at level1 and/or 2. The BPS also requires students to conduct an empirical project and this criteria is met by the level 3 research project. As the BPS criteria are met at level 2, this allows students a wider degree of choice at level 3. Students studying for a degree with employability experience are expected to work on a yearlong placement between their second and final years of study. In the final year of the course staff deliver traditional research led teaching (staff teach topics related to their own research) with staff providing a wide range of specialist 10 credit modules. These modules are broadly aligned to the earlier topic streams but also allow students to see that research often spans these boundaries (e.g. cognitive neuroscience modules spanning the neuroscience and cognitive stream) and gives students further examples of how these earlier topic streams are related to real world examples (e.g. cognitive behavioural therapy modules) thus equipping students to work confidently both outside and across disciplines. University regulations specify the number of credits necessary for progression between Levels. For details of the University regulations see below.Please refer to the HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/calendar"General University Regulations and the HYPERLINK "http://www-online.shef.ac.uk:3001/pls/live/web_cal.cal3_dept_form?p_year=223"On-line Directory of Modules for detailed information about the structure of programmes, regulations concerning assessment and progression and descriptions of individual modules.21. Student development over the course of study The content streams at level 1 and 2 have been developed such that students gain a background in each of the topic areas at level 1, this is extended at level 2. In their 3rd year students studying for a degree with employment experience work for 1 year on a placement and in their final year return to their studies and take a series of final year modules that facilitate the development of specialist knowledge. Each stream is assessed via a range of assessments throughout the year. This ensures students have a breadth of knowledge and understanding in each of these content areas and ensures that students engage with all of the taught course material. Providing feedback on assignments across the course facilitates feed-forward into the next assignment making sure that students are able to use their feedback to develop throughout the course. Within the research methodology stream, coursework provides an opportunity to write academic laboratory reports and conduct statistical analyses. The complexity of the analyses increases through levels 1 and 2. Following on from introductory study skills at Level 1, students continue to work on transferable and employability skills at level 2. Students studying for a degree with employment experience consolidate the academic and professional skills they acquire in their early years via a yearlong placement. Having developed their workplace skills, students return for their final year where they apply the skills they have acquired from both their studies and work placement, and expand their knowledge by engaging with more complex content in their final year. Learning from the earlier years provides the basis for more specialised options in the final 4th year and allows students to make informed choices regarding their interests and future career plans.22. Criteria for admission to the programme Detailed information regarding admission to the programme is available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/" http://www.shef.ac.uk/prospective/23. Additional information Please refer to the Departments web pages at  HYPERLINK "http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/psychology" http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/psychology, and to the British Psychological Societys web pages at  HYPERLINK "http://www.bps.org.uk/index.cfm" http://www.bps.org.uk/index.cfm.This specification represents a concise statement about the main features of the programme and should be considered alongside other sources of information provided by the teaching department(s) and the University. In addition to programme specific information, further information about studying at 91ֱ can be accessed via our Student Services web site at  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid" www.shef.ac.uk/ssid.      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