Dr Barbara Voss (they/them)


Management School

Lecturer in Accounting

Barbara Voss.
Profile picture of Barbara Voss.
+44 114 222 2181

Full contact details

Dr Barbara Voss
Management School
Western Bank Villa
300-302 Western Bank
S10 2TN

Barbara’s research concern is Equity within the politics of businesses.

Barbara discusses the inter-related aspects of accounting, politics, regulation and discourses.

Current work is divided into three projects:

  • Diversity – including understanding initiatives and politics concerning diversity in the corporate space, including issues of sexuality, gender, identity and intersectionality. All projects endeavour to uncover the role of accounting through multi-spheres and multi-voices.
  • Corporate social responsibility and sustainability – involving a deeper understanding of the meanings of sustainability and the politics of sustainability for business and its appropriation of knowledge.
  • Financial accounting and regulation – including discussing the influence of neoliberal and post-colonial policies on financial accounting standards, regulation of auditing and the impacts on businesses and societies.
  • PhD - University of Sao Paulo BS (Hons.)
  • MSc Accounting - Federal University of Santa Catarina
Research interests
  • Diversity – including understanding initiatives and politics concerning diversity in the corporate space, including issues of sexuality, gender, identity and intersectionality. All projects endeavour to uncover the role of accounting through multi-spheres and multi-voices.
  • Corporate social responsibility and sustainability – involving a deeper understanding of the meanings of sustainability and the politics of sustainability for business and its appropriation of knowledge. In some extent, this project expands the implications of the technologies of governance and discusses issues such as corruption, fraud, political campaigns and marketing with a special focus on Brazil.
  • Financial accounting and regulation – including discussing the influence of neoliberal and post-colonial policies on financial accounting standards, regulation of auditing and the impacts on businesses and societies.

Journal articles

  • Egan M, Voss BDL, McGuigan N & Powell L (2024) . Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 44(2), 87-92. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Egan M & Voss BDL (2024) . Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 37(6), 1537-1557. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Egan M & Voss BDL (2023) . Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 96, 102511-102511. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Egan M & Voss BDL (2023) . Gender, Work & Organization, 30(6), 2033-2048. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Voss BDL, Carter DB & Warren R (2023) . Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 36(2), 437-463. RIS download Bibtex download
  • de Lima Voss B (2015) . Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 35(2), 127-128. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Voss BDL, Pfitscher ED, Rosa FSD & Ribeiro MDS (2013) . Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 24(62), 125-141. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Rosa FS, Voss BL, Ensslin SR & Ripoll Feliu V (2012) . Revista Universo Contábil, 123-140. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Voss BDL, Pfitscher ED, Vicente EFR & Ferreira LF (2012) Disclosure of environmental impacts within the agribusiness chain: A study on transport of solid waste in a city in Santa Catarina. Custos e Agronegocio, 8(3), 91-112. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Soares SV, Richartz F, Voss BDL & Freitas CLD () . Revista Catarinense da Ciência Contábil, 10(30), 27-42. RIS download Bibtex download

Conference proceedings papers

  • de Lima Voss B, Carter DB & Salotti BM (2017) (pp 13-68) RIS download Bibtex download
Teaching interests

Barbara is passionate about equity, diversity and inclusion, which come across at all teaching experience. Barbara taught financial accounting units including introductory to advanced levels since 2011. Barbara has also experience working in one the Big 4 that supports their teaching in auditing and assurance. Barbara is a chartered accountant at the CA ANZ.

Barbara’s principal teaching philosophy is critical pedagogy inspired by the Brazilian philosopher Paulo Freire. In this approach, Barbara invites students to reflect on their learning and experiences through practical case studies. In addition, Barbara is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) in the UK.

Barbara has an extensive experience in supervision from honours (bachelor), masters by research, professional doctorate to PhD. Barbara has contributed to several higher education students.

PhD Supervision

Projects available:

  • Critical accounting perspectives on the role of accounting and auditing concerning technologies, regulation and practices
  • Deeper understandings of the meanings of sustainability and the politics of sustainability for business and its appropriation of knowledge
  • Understandings of the neoliberal and (post)colonial policies on financial accounting and auditing standards
  • Examination of the diversity and inclusion initiatives in a range of businesses
  • Critical exploration of intersectionality, sexuality and gender within accounting, accountants and/or corporate praxis
  • Exploration of Accounting Education - reflecting, recognising and incorporating diverse values and cultures

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