Professor Ashutosh Tiwari


School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering

Airbus / RAEng Research Chair in Digitisation for Manufacturing

Deputy Vice-President for Innovation (Interim)

Photo of Professor Ashutosh Tiwari
Profile picture of Photo of Professor Ashutosh Tiwari
+44 114 222 5624

Full contact details

Professor Ashutosh Tiwari
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
Amy Johnson Building
Portobello Street
S1 3JD
Research interests

Professor Tiwari's research vision is to develop a digitised factory that requires no setups for manufacturing part variants (zero-setup) and no measurements on parts for ensuring quality (zero-measurement). Over the last eighteen years, he has developed three novel internationally recognised research themes to achieve this vision:
(i) Digitisation of skill-intensive manufacturing processes, such as wing manufacture and engine assembly. His research is one of the first to focus on simultaneous digitisation of human actions and their impact on workpieces.
(ii) Multi-level optimisation of manufacturing processes. He has developed new techniques for optimising the parameters of a manufacturing process at various levels (machine, multi-machine sequence, assembly and manufacturing system).
(iii) Real-time simulation of manufacturing processes. His research has introduced the use of live shopfloor data to update factory simulation models in real-time.

Research track record

Professor Tiwari has developed a strong research track record by leading (as principal investigator) 8 Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) projects, 5 Innovate UK projects, 3 projects funded by EPSRC Centres for Innovative Manufacturing, 5 Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) projects, a Low Carbon KEEP project, 32 PhD/EngD studentships and several MSc projects with industry.

He currently holds an EPSRC High Value Manufacturing Catapult Fellowship and is a co-investigator of the EPSRC Platform Grant on Through-life Performance. He has successfully completed the supervision of 32 PhD/EngD theses, 15 MSc by Research and MPhil theses, and 89 MSc theses. He has secured around £5.5m of research funding in cash (as principal investigator) from Government grants (UK and overseas) and industry.

He has also developed strong research collaborations with a number of companies including Airbus, BAE Systems, GE, Edwards, Dathan Tools, Jaguar Land Rover, Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Cosworth, Arup, Housing 21 and BT.

As well as his research publications, he has edited books, workshop papers, research reports and magazine articles. He is a Visiting Professor at Cranfield University, where he was Professor of Manufacturing Informatics and Head of the Manufacturing Informatics Centre, prior to joining the University of 91Ö±²¥.


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Research group
  • PhD (2014-2017) on ‘Modelling Flexible Manufacturing Systems through Discrete Event Simulation’, sponsored by Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative (AMSCI) project (AMSCI233554) with Cosworth and Flexeye [Student: Ms J Rybicka; Supervisors: Prof A Tiwari and Dr P Ball].
  • Part-time PhD (2012-2017) on ‘Enhancing the Decision Making Capabilities of Discrete Event Simulation Using Optimisation and Visualisation’, sponsored by GE [Student: Ms N Prajapat; Supervisors: Prof A Tiwari and Dr P Ball].
  • PhD (2012-2017) on ‘Design for Manufacturing of Variable Stiffness Laminates with Curvilinear Fibre Paths’, sponsored by EPSRC and Airbus [Student: Mr G González Lozano; Supervisors: Prof A Tiwari and Dr C Turner].
  • PhD (2014-2017) on ‘Real-Time Evaluation and Feedback System for Ergonomics on the Shop Floor’, sponsored by Nigerian Government [Student: Ms C Mgbemena; Supervisors: Prof A Tiwari and Dr Y Xu].
  • Part-time PhD (2011-2017) on ‘Design for Manufacture Strategies for Automated Composite Manufacture’, sponsored by NCC [Student: Mr S Astwood; Supervisor: Prof A Tiwari].
  • PhD (2013-2017) on ‘Recovery of Complex Supply Networks from Disruptions’, sponsored by P&G [Student: Ms A Ledwoch; Supervisors: Dr A Brintrup and Prof A Tiwari].
  • PhD (2012-2016) on ‘Examining the Use of Visualisation Methods for the Design of Interactive Systems’, sponsored by EPSRC and Airbus [Student: Ms K Li; Supervisors: Prof A Tiwari and Dr J Alcock].
  • PhD (2012-2015) on ‘A Framework for Digitisation of Manual Manufacturing Task Knowledge Using Gaming Interface Technology’, sponsored by Nanyang Polytechnic (Singapore) [Student: Mr V Prabhu; Supervisor: Prof A Tiwari].
  • PhD (2012-2015) on ‘Simulation Based Optimisation of Complex Maintenance Systems’, sponsored by Saudi Arabian Government [Student: Mr A Alrabghi; Supervisors: Prof A Tiwari and Prof M Savill].
  • PhD (2012-2015) on ‘A New Knowledge Sourcing Framework to Support Knowledge-Based Engineering Development’, sponsored by EPSRC and Airbus [Student: Mr S Quintana Amate; Supervisor: Prof A Tiwari].
  • PhD (2012-2016) on ‘Modelling and Optimising Oscillatory Positive Expiratory Pressure Devices for Effective Airway Clearance’, sponsored by Smiths Medical [Student: Mr M Khasawneh; Supervisors: Dr J Alcock and Prof A Tiwari].
  • PhD (2011-2014) on ‘Integrating Product Lifecycle Management Systems with Maintenance Information across the Supply Chain for Root-cause Analysis’, sponsored by Axillium Research [Student: Mr N Madenas; Supervisors: Prof A Tiwari and Dr P Ball].
  • Part-time PhD (2007-2014) on ‘A Methodology for Developing Web-based CAD/CAM Systems: Case Studies on Gear Shaper Cutters’, sponsored by KTP project (KTP6465) with Dathan Tools [Student: Ms A Malahova; Supervisor: Prof A Tiwari].
  • PhD (2010-2014) on ‘Design, Analysis and Fabrication of a Mobile Energy Harvesting Device to Scavenge Bio Kinetic Energy’, sponsored by IMRC project (IMRC135) [Student: Ms A Daniels; Supervisors: Dr M Zhu and Prof A Tiwari].
  • PhD (2010-2013) on ‘Integrated Multi-objective Optimisation of Assembly Sequence Planning and Assembly Line Balancing Using Particle Swarm Optimisation’, sponsored by Malaysian Government [Student: Mr M F Ab Rashid; Supervisor: Prof A Tiwari].
  • PhD (2009-2013) on ‘Machine Learning Based Decision Support for a Class of Many-objective Optimisation Problems’, sponsored by Hewlett Packard [Student: Mr J Duro; Supervisors: Dr D Saxena and Prof A Tiwari].

Principal Investigator

Principal Investigator of Airbus/RAEng Research Chair (2017-22) on ‘Digitisation for Zero-Setup and Zero-Measurement Manufacturing (Di-Zero)’. Industrial Sponsor: Airbus.

Principal Investigator of EPSRC High Value Manufacturing Catapult Fellowship (EP/L017121, 2016-19) on ‘Human Interventions in Autonomous Manufacturing: Digitisation and Learning’. Industrial Sponsor: Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC).

Principal Investigator of Feasibility Study Research Project on ‘Digital Re-Distributed Manufacturing (RDM) Studio’, funded by the EPSRC-ESRC Network in Consumer Goods, Big Data and Re-Distributed Manufacturing (RECODE, EP/M017567, 2016-17).
Consortium: Cranfield University (lead) and University of Cambridge.

Principal Investigator of EPSRC (EP/M506813, 2014-17) and Innovate UK Project (TSB241247) on ‘Towards Zero Prototyping of Factory Layouts and Operations Using Novel Gaming and Immersive Technologies’. Consortium: GE (lead), Lanner Group Limited and Cranfield University.

Principal Investigator of EPSRC Impact Acceleration Award (IAA) Grant (IAA-CRA, 2016-17) on ‘Self-healing Technologies for Mechanical and Electrical Systems’. Industrial Sponsor: GE.

UK Lead of the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) Newton-Bhabha Fund Project (2016-18) on ‘Faculty Competency and Student Engagement for Industry Related Problems’. Indian Partner: NMIMS.

Academic Lead of Innovate UK Collaborative Research and Development Project (TSB254253, 2014-16) on ‘Real-time Remote Collaboration Platform Using Kinect™’. Consortium: Jaguar Land Rover Limited (lead), Holovis International Limited and Cranfield University.

Academic Lead of Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative (AMSCI) Project (AMSCI233554, 2014-17) on ‘Flexible Manufacturing Systems through Supply Chain Initiative’. Consortium: Cosworth (lead), Flexeye and Cranfield University.

Principal Investigator of Feasibility Study Research Project on ‘Use of Gaming Interface Technology for Decision-Making in Intelligent Automation Systems’, funded by the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Intelligent Automation (EP/I033467, 2014-15).

Principal Investigator at Cranfield University for EPSRC Research Project (EP/K026348) on ‘Efficient Cross-sector Use of Heterogeneous Materials in Manufacturing’. Consortium: University of Birmingham (lead), Cranfield University, University of Exeter and University of Manchester. Industrial Sponsors: EADS UK Limited, EnginSoft UK, Kirton Kayaks, Lanner Group, Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems, National Composites Centre, Technology Strategy Board (TSB) and TWI Limited.

Principal Investigator of Feasibility Study Research Project on ‘Intelligent Composite Lay-up by the Application of Discrete Technologies’, funded by the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Composites (EP/I033513, 2013-14). Consortium: Cranfield University (lead) and University of Bristol.

Academic Lead of Innovate UK Collaborative Research and Development Project (TSB120193, 2012-15) on ‘Using Gaming Technology to Digitise Complex Manufacturing Process Knowledge’. Consortium: EADS UK Limited (lead), AERTEC Solutions and Cranfield University.

Academic Lead of Innovate UK Collaborative Research and Development Project (TSB101149, 2012-14) on ‘Kinect™-based Platform for Engaging Older Population in the Assessment of Purpose-built Facilities and Services’. Consortium: Housing 21 (lead), EnginSoft UK and Cranfield University.

Principal Investigator of Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Project (EP/I006087, 2011-12) on ‘A Discrete Event Simulator for Modelling Support Services in an Engineering Environment’. Industrial Sponsors: Lanner Group Limited and Cranfield-Boeing Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) Centre of Excellence.

Principal Investigator of Low Carbon KEEP (Knowledge-East of England-Partners) Project (CRAN-JEB-KEEP, 2011–12) on ‘Optimisation of Medical Device Development Process’. Industrial Sponsor: JEB Engineering Design Limited.

Principal Investigator at Cranfield University for Research Project on ‘Self-healing Technologies for Electronic and Mechanical Components and Subsystems’, funded by the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Through-life Engineering Services (EP/I033246, 2011-14).

Principal Investigator of EPSRC Project (EP/H006826, 2010-11) on ‘A Web Business Process Optimiser’.


Co-investigator of EPSRC Platform Grant (EP/P027121, 2017-22) on ‘Through-Life Performance: From Science to Instrumentation’. Industrial Sponsors: Rolls-Royce, Bombardier Transportation, Soil Machine Dynamics, Network Rail, High Value Manufacturing (HVM) Catapult and XP School.

Co-investigator of Feasibility Study Research Project on ‘Circular 4.0: Digital Intelligence to Enable a Circular Economy’, funded by Network Plus: Industrial Systems in the Digital Age (EP/P001246, 2017-18).

Co-investigator of EPSRC Network Project (EP/M017567, 2015-17) on ‘RECODE: Consumer Goods, Big Data and Re-Distributed Manufacturing’. Industrial Sponsors: Beijing Institute of Technology, Cisco Systems UK, Dragon Rouge Limited, EEF, Ellen Macarthur Foundation, Fraunhofer Institut, Georgia Institute of Technology, Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, IBM, Interoute, Teesside University, University of Cambridge, University of Exeter and WRAP.

Co-investigator of EPSRC Research Project (EP/J011630, 2013-17 ) on ‘Integrated Through-Life Support for High-Value Systems’. Industrial Sponsors: Network Rail, Schlumberger, BAE Systems, National Nuclear Laboratory, UK Space Agency, Sellafield and SciSys.

Co-investigator of Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative (AMSCI) Project (AMSCI151410, 2013-15) on ‘Manufacturing Process Guidelines’. Consortium: Composites Innovation Cluster (25 organisations).

Co-investigator and Executive Committee Member of the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Through-life Engineering Services (EP/I033246, 2011-16). Core Industrial Sponsors: Rolls-Royce, Bombardier, BAE Systems and Ministry of Defence.

Professional activities and memberships

Professor Tiwari is a fellow of the IMechE, a fellow of the IET, a member of the EPSRC Peer Review College, a fellow of the Higher Education Academy, treasurer of the World Federation on Soft Computing (WFSC), steering committee member of the NAFEMS Optimisation Working Group, and a member of the Digital for Industry Leadership Group (D4I).

He is an associate editor of the International Journal of Design Engineering, a survey/review article editor of the Applied Soft Computing Journal, and an editorial board member of the IMechE Journal of Engineering Manufacture.

He was the programme chair of CIRP TESConf-2013, finance chair of CIRP Design-2009, general chair of WSC10-2005 and special sessions chair of IEEE CEC-2005. In 2016-17, he delivered keynote lectures at the International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR) and the NAFEMS European Conference on Simulation-based Optimisation. In 2015, he was part of the UK delegation to India presenting at a workshop on RAEng Newton Fund: Industry-Academia Linkages. He was also invited by the RAEng and the IET to participate in Connecting Data - Manufacturing Sector Workshop in 2015.