Disability advisers and study skills tutors

Instructions for disability advisers and study skills tutors.



Students/LSWs are expected to carry out an initial search of required reading using StarPlus, Resource Lists or information from tutors to identify relevant texts. 

Students will usually be provided with library induction training as part of their course. Some students may require a separate one-to-one induction session and referrals for those should be made by DDSS using the Non-Standard Referral form.

If required texts are not available electronically or in the required format, the student should contact their Disability Adviser to be registered for alternative formats.

To do this, DAs should confirm they have a  and confirm on the NSR to be forwarded, along with a signed copyright agreement form, to Ange Greenwood and Jo Marsden.

The library will then create an RNIB Bookshare account for the student and email them with log-in details and instructions.

If the item is not available from RNIB Bookshare, the student should inform the library who will then put in a request with the publisher.

Students should be aware that obtaining accessible texts from publishers can be a lengthy process. More information can be found on  document.

RNIB Bookshare

RNIB Bookshare provides free accessible textbooks and images to support disabled learners who have difficulty reading standard print.

This can include students with visual impairment, mobility issues, and Specific Learning Difficulties such as Dyslexia, Autism and ADHD.