Introducing the new RockFACE website

Find out more about our RockFACE trial in Illinois, US, on its very own brand new website.

A photo showing one of the enrichment rings at the RockFACE site

RockFACE is our state-of-the-art Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) ERW field trial with a soybean/maize rotatio in Illinois, US, in collaboration with Dr Lisa Ainsworth and the United States Department of Agriculture, SoyFACE, . Examining how increased atmospheric CO2 will affect crops and their interactions enhanced rock weathering processes, it recognises and leverages the power of FACE technology to grow plants at an elevated CO2 atmosphere forecast for later this century under fully open-air conditions with/without ERW treatment (crushed basalt).

Visit the new RockFACE website here.