Dr Rob Bellamy

External partner

Senior Lecturer in Climate & Society

Rob Bellamy Profile Picture October 2024
Profile picture of Rob Bellamy Profile Picture October 2024

Dr Rob Bellamy is Senior Lecturer in Climate and Society in the Department of Geography at the University of Manchester. He joined Manchester in 2018 after 5 years as James Martin Fellow in the Institute for Science, Innovation and Society at the University of Oxford.

His research focuses on the social science of climate, nature, and technology, exploring how climate change and responses to it are perceived, evaluated, and governed. He has published widely on these issues in top interdisciplinary and disciplinary journals including Nature, Global Environmental Change, and Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. He is Editor-in-Chief of Dialogues on Climate Change, and Programme Director of the MSc in Climate Change: Science, Society and Solutions. He is Co-Investigator and Lead on Responsible Innovation for the UK’s national carbon dioxide removal directorate hub, CO2RE, and for the Horizon Europe solar geoengineering research governance project, Co-CREATE. He was awarded a Presidential Fellowship at the University of Manchester from 2018 – 2022, and ‘Best Researcher of the Year’ 2021 for the University’s Faculty of Humanities.