HELSI Bites: Typhoid Fever: An age-old problem

Typhoid Fever cells

Event details

Tuesday 12 September 2023
Online Event
Events are free but require registration via the link below. HELSI Bites are 30 minute lunchtime talks (15-18 minute talk & 10 minutes for Q&A), prepared in an engaging & accessible "TED talk" style, suitable for our diverse, cross disciplinary academic audience. They highlight the wealth of expertise amongst our members, and showcase our holistic approach to tackling ageing and extending healthy lifespans.


Presented by Dr Daniel Humphreys, School of Biosciences

Salmonella Typhi is a water-borne intracellular bacterial pathogen responsible for 12 million cases of acute typhoid fever and 120,000 deaths each year in low- and middle-income countries. Salmonella Typhi infections reduce life expectancy causing 8.4 million years of life lost to due ill health or early death each year. Typhoid fever is considered a poverty disease predominantly affecting communities with many risk factors associated with accelerated ageing including poor access to safe water and good sanitation, malnutrition, poor housing and low socioeconomic status. Tackling acute typhoid fever is a UN sustainable development goal, which aims to eradicate water-borne tropical diseases by 2030.

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