Researching your options

These are some of the things you should consider when deciding if and where you want to study abroad. These are not the only things to consider, and you should make sure to research any and all aspects that may personally impact you.

Photo grid of global opps students with the GO aeroplane

On this page you can find relevant information about the things you should consider before deciding what destination is best for your study abroad plans. 

Are you applying for a replacement period abroad?
  • Study abroad for most students is an additional year between second year and final year, which is assessed on a pass fail basis. However some schools offer a semester abroad option, or the option to replace a year of study at 91Ö±²¥ with a year at another university. BA International Business Management with Study Abroad has a compulsory year abroad in second year. The Where Can I Go? pages confirm which options are available for each subject area.
  • If you are considering applying for a replacement semester or year abroad, your grades from this period abroad will count towards your 91Ö±²¥ degree classification. This means your options on where you can go will be restricted, as you have to study abroad at a host university that offers suitable modules for your 91Ö±²¥ degree. It is required that you discuss your module selection when applying with your study abroad tutor, and that you approve any changes to your study plan with your tutor as well. 
  • For students on a replacement period abroad, if you do not pass all your modules, you may be required to repeat modules at 91Ö±²¥ in the following year. This could extend your degree and results may be capped at 40. 
Can you afford to spend a year in that country?
  • Living costs may be higher than in the UK (e.g. in Australia the minimum wage is higher which pushes up all prices, US universities generally have higher living costs) and experience shows students spend more on a year abroad compared to a year in 91Ö±²¥. 
  • Partner universities often have estimated living costs on their websites, though you may have to use the search tool to find it! Often it is in in the visa information section or the information for international or "out of state" students. 
  • Is health insurance required, and if so what can you expect to be charged? Host universities usually give an indication on their websites. Health insurance is a visa requirement for Australia and New Zealand, required by the host university in the USA and Canada, and may be required in other countries. 
  • Students who are eligible for a and studying abroad in a country covered by this should apply for a student GHIC.
  • Will a financial guarantee be required? If so, how will you prove you can afford to study abroad? You may not be able to use your Student Loan, or you may need bank statements with covering letters. Plan for this scenario - who will you ask for statements if you don't have savings in your name? Ask them about this now rather than later in case they need time to request statements, especially if you need to have supporting documents translated and/or legalised for a visa application.
  • Check the visa requirements for your host country to check what forms of financial evidence are accepted, and to see what the costs of applying are. Will you have to travel to London for an interview? The can help, and you should also refer to the local embassies for your host country. There is more about financial guarantees, tuition fees, Student Loans and scholarships on our website.
  • See on how to avoid large data roaming charges.
Can you adapt to the academic and cultural differences?
  • Even countries that have English as a first language will have a different culture to the UK. Ask returning study abroad students and they will confirm this!
  • The academic culture can be very different in different institutions. For example, you may be continually assessed with attendance and class participation influencing your final grade. Some universities mark using the bell curve, meaning only the top students in a class get the top marks. 
  • How much flexibility do you have to take modules outside your subject area?  
  • Consider local attitudes to age, race, disability, gender, religion, sexuality and gender identity.
  • Laws can be different - check the legal drinking age (for example in the US the legal drinking age is 21).
  • Some support services may not be offered in English, though you can still access University of 91Ö±²¥ support remotely.
Language learning can help!
  • Check out Languages For All to help you prepare for living in another country. The offer 17 languages from Beginner level to Proficient, and if you have a full timetable already there are not-for-credit options too.
  • Some universities in Europe require you to have at least a basic level of understanding in the local language. They may also offer language classes you can take alongside your studies.
  • Some of our partners in Taiwan, Japan and South Korea have limited options taught in English, so make sure to research carefully when deciding where you would like to go. Chinese, Japanese and Korean are offered through Languages for All, and our partners in Hong Kong and Singapore teach in English.
  • Some of our exchange partners do not teach in English, and these are usually for students studying another language. There are notes about this in the Where Can I Go? pages. If you want to study at one of these universities, you will need to demonstrate to your school that you have the required language proficiency (often B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), which roughly equates to A level or Higher Intermediate level proficiency).
Accommodation options
  • You may not be guaranteed a room in university owned accommodation, and private renting may be expensive. Be prepared to start searching for accommodation well in advance.
  • You may have to share a room with someone else (especially common in the US) and your room may come with a meal plan and no cooking facilities.
  • Consider the distance you may have to travel from accommodation to lectures, and from accommodation to shops, etc. Rent prices may mean it's more affordable to live further from the university and commute in.
  • Pay attention to any application deadlines, as applications may open before the application to study at the host university, and late applications may be rejected.
  • Some destinations, such as Canada and the Netherlands, have accommodation shortages. This may mean having to accept whatever accommodation is available, even if it is not your preferred choice.
  • Standards of accommodation vary from country to country. You may find student accommodation seems basic, or that costs like internet access are additional to rent and not included.
  • Be careful of scams when renting privately and try to see the accommodation either virtually or in person before signing contracts and sending money. Use the university advice to help you be safe: /new-students/protecting-yourself-scams-and-fraud
  • Some hybrid teaching options may still be in place.
  • Do you have any dietary requirements? For example it is very hard as a coeliac to eat a truly gluten-free diet in Singapore.
  • If you need to take medicine regularly, talk to your GP about how you can access your medication while abroad. Check if your medication is restricted and if so discuss it with your doctor. You won't be able to take a full year's supply with you. For NHS advice see:
  • Check if the visa process for your host country may involve medical expenses (e.g. chest x-rays are common for South Korea, Australia often asks for medical examinations for chronic conditions even if treatment is not required).
  • Vaccination may be required to enter the host country and to register by the host university. Usually students requiring vaccinations to register in the US are offered them on campus, however if it is required to enter the country then you will still need to be vaccinated for travel. 
Support needs and Learning Support Plans
  • If you have support needs (e.g. due to disability), please research whether the universities you are considering will be able to provide for those needs. Speak to DDSS who can provide you with advice:
  • If you have a learning support plan (LSP), please remember that Global Opportunities and your host university do not have access to this. It is your choice who you share your learning support plan with. We recommend discussing your LSP with your study abroad tutor and, if you think it is relevant, the welfare team in your school or staff in DDSS, as it may help make decisions around where you go and how your time abroad is assessed. For more information on learning support plans see: 
  • We strongly encourage declaring support needs to your host university and applying for relevant support that they offer.
  • If you need help with researching whether a partner university can meet your support needs, please contact Global Opportunities.
Other plans
  • Do you want more time after your exchange for summer travel or an internship? Consider universities in Canada, or US universities where you attend for two quarters/terms (Drexel University and the University of Oregon) where your exchange will be complete in April.
  • Do you have plans for the summer before the year abroad? Avoid universities in Australia and New Zealand that need you to travel there in mid-July for the start of term.
  • Want to have the option to easily travel home, especially at Christmas? A European destination would be better for you, but also check out what your host university offers for international students over the holidays. There may be homestay options and your family and friends might want to visit you abroad instead!
I don't want to study abroad, I want to do a placement year or year in industry abroad
  • You need to refer to the Careers service and (where offered) Employability teams in your school or faculty
  • The can help you with writing covering letters and your CV, and provide interview tips (student login required)
  • There are online resources to help you find a placement overseas, such as the and the
  • The websites of our partner universities may provide resources and information on working abroad that are useful to you.
  • Modern Languages students should ask the Year Abroad Team for information on what past students have done. 
Where to find out more
  • Exchange students studying in your school
  • Students who’ve studied abroad e.g. Global Opportunities Ambassadors (online chat available in term time).
  • Tutors and lecturers who have experience of the destinations that interest you.
  • Parents/relatives as you may need their support to go, and their financial assistance.
  • Be sure to check the Related Information links at the bottom of the page for more information on your destination options and who your school contact is.
Photo grid of global opps students 2

Additional resources for students

Resources for BAME students

We have compiled the list of resources below to help Black, Asian and Other Minority Ethnic (BAME) students who are considering studying or working abroad during their studies to research their options.

  • The  (FCDO) offers advice on local laws and customs for 225 countries
  • The BAME Staff Network at the University of 91Ö±²¥
  • The  Facebook page

Articles and blogs

  •  by Siti Mokhsin
  •  by Yussefa Sanyang

Blogs by US students

Resources for LGBTQ+ students

We have compiled the list of resources below to help LGBT+ students who are considering studying or working abroad during their studies to research their options.

  •  (FCO) offers advice on local laws and customs for 225 countries, including specific advice for 
  •  include details of local LGBT+ organisations, Prides, websites and other resources, broken down by region and by country. There is also .
  • Go has a downloadable LGBT+ ""
  •  has over 190 countries' worth of stories and advice for LGBT+ students
  • The  so you can easily check the situation in countries of interest
  •  (written by students)
  •  (published annually by ILGA)
  • The  at the University of 91Ö±²¥ (staff log in required)
  • The  at the University of 91Ö±²¥

Articles and blogs

Resources for students with support needs

We have compiled the list of resources below to help students with support needs who are considering studying or working abroad during their studies to research their options.

Articles and blogs

Mental health abroad


  •  (student log in required)
  •  (student log in required)
  •  (student log in required)
  • FCDO advice on 


  • by Calsie Tyler