Mrs Jenny Butcher

School of Education

Senior Student Experience Officer (Placements and Partnerships)
+44 114 222 3625

Full contact details

Mrs Jenny Butcher
School of Education
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH

Areas of Responsibility

  • Organisation and management of all placements and partnerships across programmes within the School
  • Liaising with placement providers to ensure all placements are arranged within agreed guidelines and regulations, and administering the accompanying documentation
  • Ensuring that placement providers comply with appropriate Health & Safety standards and carry Employer’s Liability insurance
  • Administering the pre-placement phase of the Undergraduate placement module, including supporting the arrangements of placements, conducting pre-placement checks, assisting with the development of individual student placement briefs and coordinating the drawing up and signing of individual placement agreements
  • Identifying and setting up placements for all PGDE provider-led places, taking into account subject specialisms, communicating as required with Schools and PGDE tutors to confirm placements, and liaising with School Direct partners
  • Advising programme directors, placement tutors and other relevant members of staff of individual and general placement issues