'There is always a place to meet like-minded people' - a day in the life of Yash

Yash Bordia
Yash Bordia
Undergraduate Student
BSc Computer Science
Undergraduate Yash Bordia explains why he's loving his time in 91Ö±²¥.
Yash Bordia

Hi - I'm Yash Bordia from Mumbai, India and I am currently in my second year studying BSc Computer Science. I chose to study computer science at the University of 91Ö±²¥ because of the cutting-edge facilities, the experienced and knowledgeable Faculty, the well-rounded and competitive atmosphere as well as the excellent graduate prospects.

To keep yourself occupied throughout the year, there’s a multitude of extra-curricular opportunities to get involved in, including societies, clubs, and projects. The rich variety of societies in our Students’ Union ensures that there is always a place to meet and connect with like-minded people regardless of your interests. Personally, I am a part of the Computer Science Society, Indian Society, Photography Society, Quiz Society, Walking Club & Project MarsWorks.

My schedule is quite flexible, allowing me to study, work part-time as well as pursue my other hobbies. I genuinely believe that I’m maintaining a perfect balance between my academic, social, and personal life. Here’s an example of a day in my life:


Wake up, take a morning stretch and freshen up. Head to the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Get ready and walk towards The Diamond for my lectures along with my friends.


Attend the lectures scheduled at The Diamond. The lecture contents and materials are uploaded onto Blackboard a few days before the lecture allowing students to prepare beforehand. The second part of the lecture is a seminar which is more interactive, and the professor also holds a Q&A session to solve any doubts related to the course.


Head to the Jessop West building to attend the team supervisor meeting and receive feedback on the progress of our team project. Post meeting, discuss our team plan for the following week and split the tasks. Proceed towards the University centre to have lunch with friends at a nearby university food outlet such as the Diamond Kitchen, IC Cafe or at the SU. Relax for a brief period before attending the remaining lectures.


Attend the lectures scheduled in the Diamond lecture theatres. Most of the lecturers follow the same pattern of handing out the lecture contents.


Stay in the Silent Study Area of the Diamond to complete pending assignments and coursework as well as to catch up on the lecture contents of the previous week. There are a lot of spaces designated for students to study and use the University PCs in the Diamond such as the General Study area, Silent Study spaces, Group Meeting Rooms, Reference Library, Short Stay Study Spaces, and the Mindsphere Lounge, etc.


Walk to the Information Commons library to attend the weekly Project MarsWorks team meeting and discuss the project development, distribution of tasks among the team members as well as the plan for the following week.


Head towards the nearby Tesco Express/Sainsbury’s and shop for weekly groceries before moving to the University Accommodation, namely Broad Lane Court, to take a well-deserved break. Catch up on daily news, browse through social media, read a book, or watch a movie/web-series and then talk to my family back in India. Prepare and eat dinner along with my flatmates.


Solve the lab sheets to prepare for the following days’ labs and tutorial sessions scheduled in the Modular Village of the North Campus, 38 Mappin Street or at the Portobello Centre. Study for any quizzes or threshold assessments slated for the upcoming weeks.


Take a shower and then go to bed while watching a movie.

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