Dr Maciej Gazda

School of Computer Science

Research Associate

+44 114 222 1800

Full contact details

Dr Maciej Gazda
School of Computer Science
Regent Court (DCS)
211 Portobello
S1 4DP

Journal articles

  • Gazda M & Hierons R (2023) . Information and Computation, 291. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Biewer S, Dimitrova R, Fries M, Gazda M, Heinze T, Hermanns H & Mousavi MR (2022) . Logical Methods in Computer Science, 18(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gazda M, Fokkink W & Massaro V (2020) . Acta Informatica, 57(3-5), 329-351. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gazda M & Hierons RM () Model independent refusal trace testing. Science of Computer Programming. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Baxter J, Cavalcanti A, Gazda M & Hierons R () Testing using CSP models: time, inputs, and outputs. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic. RIS download Bibtex download


  • Hierons RM, Gazda M, Gómez-Abajo P, Lefticaru R & Merayo MG (2021) , Software Engineering for Robotics (pp. 345-375). Springer International Publishing RIS download Bibtex download

Conference proceedings papers

  • Dimitrova R, Gazda M, Mousavi MR, Biewer S & Hermanns H (2020) . Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems (pp 59-77). Valletta, Malta, 15 June 2020 - 19 June 2020. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gazda M & Mousavi MR (2020) . Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs, Vol. 168 RIS download Bibtex download
  • Gazda M & Hierons R () Removing Redundant Refusals: Minimal Complete Test Suites for Failure Trace Semantics. ACM/IEEE LICS 2021 36th Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 29 June 2021 - 2 July 2021. RIS download Bibtex download