Scrutinising discriminatory police misconduct in the Metropolitan Police


Project start and end dates

July 2023 - June 2024

Research team members

PI: Professor Layla Skinns 

Background and aims of the project

In March 2023, the Casey Review concluded that 鈥渋nstitutional racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia are present across鈥 the Metropolitan Police in London, suggesting there to be regular breaches of professional standards relating to discriminatory misconduct. When such professional standards are breached, misconduct hearings offer a route for redress for the police and for the public.

The overarching purposes of this exploratory work is to consider what these misconduct hearings reveal about discriminatory misconduct in the Metropolitan police and how this is responded to, as well as considering the purposes and effectiveness of police misconduct hearings in fulfilling these purposes.


The data collection draws entirely on information held in the public domain. This includes:

1. Details of upcoming hearings
2. Observation of misconduct hearings
3. Documentary analysis of written outcome verdicts
4. Media analysis of relevant media reporting on police misconduct hearings