We try and have something to suit everyone, so hopefully people feel welcome and able to get involved

Landmark President Ella Marsh
Ella Marsh
President of Landmark 2022-23
Landscape Architecture MLA
MLA Landscape Architecture student Ella Marsh is the 2022-23 President of student society Landmark. We caught up with her about Landmark’s packed series of events and socials in Semester 1.
Student society Landmark host a packed series of events and socials throughout the year
Student society Landmark host a packed series of events and socials throughout the year

Tell us a bit about the Landmark events in Semester 1 - what were these and who attended them?

We had a range of events in Semester 1, including a walk to Forge Dam, the International Food Evening, pumpkin carving and a few nights out.

People from all year groups came along and it was a great opportunity to meet and socialise with other Landscape Architecture students!

Tea Chat and Scribble sounds intriguing.. tell us more

Tea Chat and Scribble are lunchtime sessions, hosted in the Arts Tower. We bring cake or biscuits and it’s a chance to catch up and draw a little.

What was your favourite event and why?

It’s hard to choose just one! The Initial Social - the first social of the year in which you had to dress up as something beginning with the first letter of your name - was really fun and a great way to start the semester.

The International Food Evening was also brilliant, as people bought some amazing foods and it was a great opportunity for students and staff to get together!

Why is it important to Landmark to hold a range of socials including non-drinking events?

We try and have something to suit everyone, so hopefully people feel welcome and able to get involved.

How have the Landmark events been received by students?

We have had a brilliant response to the socials so far, with students joining from undergraduate and masters courses.

What Landmark events are you looking forward to in Semester 2?

Some of the events I’m looking forward to are the Tree Social and the Landmark Ball, which should be a great end to the year and a lovely celebration of everyone’s hard work.

For updates and pictures, follow Landmark on Instagram