Mengxue Yao

School of Architecture and Landscape

PhD Research Student

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Mengxue Yao
School of Architecture and Landscape
Arts Tower
Western Bank
S10 2TN

Mengxue is a PhD candidate in Architecture, at the University of 91Ö±²¥. She has a Landscape Architecture master's degree from the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) in China. She had one year's experience as a landscape architect before starting her PhD.

Her research interest is mainly focusing on the urban climate, especially committed to mitigating air pollution through urban design methods. She tried to assess the impacts of urban morphology on air quality by modelling and visualising data based on multiple methodologies, e.g. machine learning and deep learning.

Research interests

Project title: 

Effects of urban vegetation morphology on the distribution of particle air pollution.

Project outline: 

Vegetation is one of the major components in sustainable urban planning and design. Understanding of the effects of urban vegetation on air quality (AQ) has been an active research area recently to better inform design decision-making.

This research investigates the relationship between outdoor air quality (in terms of PM2.5 concentrations) and morphological parameters of urban vegetation (e.g., geometry, density, configuration, and other physical properties of plants relating to the urban built environment). The research is expected to develop a novel urban vegetation index via fusing multiple data sources from satellite sensing, street view imaging and ground-based AQ monitoring.

Primary supervisor: 
Dr Chengzhi Peng

Dr Michael Smith

Date started: 01/10/2021

Research group

People, Environments and Performance.